
Question about traditional line of the Damiano Defense


I'm just interested in the theory, so neither of these answers are that helpful. It isn't quite a forced win- white ends up with a huge advantage, but black can avoid losing right away. I don't think 9... Bd6 is very good, since white can still play Qa5, and if black loses his white bishop, Qf5 is very good. Can you explain why 8... h6 is better than h5? I don't really just want to know what moves are good (since obviously as white I've got a huge advantage at this point), I want to know why.


bit advanced for you hsdrushel i think you should concentrate on learning a bit more basic opening theory first. Now remember if you are white its your turn to go first, google search some basic openings such as the Ruy Lopez  and Queens gambit, remember not to bring your queen out to early though! Remember what can happen! You dont have to try to checkmate in three moves all the time!