
Great Advances Forward


The 3 greatest advances forward in chess were achieved by Alekhine when he altered his game  to offer severe resistance on every move forcing Capa to have to think much more than he was used to, thus exposing his weakness; by Fischer when he synthesized all apsects of the game by himself ( he lived so totally alone) so that he could build advantages one right after another playing as the Russkies said, "like an automaton." Finally there was Kasparov's transformation in the middle of a world championship match. Having been pushed to the brink of destruction, he somehow found a way to become what he was not, Mr. Karpov! From Alekhine we learn how to put up immensly stiff resistance. From Fischer we learn the importance of the right move at the right time throughout the game. From Kasparov we learn that never giving up is not enough. Change must occur even in the heat of combat. When will the next big advance come?