
Insults over chess Rating (MODS,please moderate them)


(I don't want tl;dr so I'll try to keep this brief and direct.)

HERE are 5 REASONS why CHESS.COM should moderate posts where one member insults another person because of their low rating.

1.  Low rating people are often Newby's and slow improving adults;  these are precisely the people that need their questions answered and can use the help and hint from stronger players.  They don't need insulted or humilitated.

2.  There are alot of kids here; and it isn't always clear which users are young kids that may easily feel humiliated.  wouldn't it be sad and ironic, if and its rough chess forum would drive kids away from this healthy and positive sport.

3.  Leaving Insulting posts on the forums creates the impression that Mods and staff don't care what is written; and it encourages those that might be rude, and break other important guidelines.

ok, lastly lets get right down to the bottom line for  You guys are a business, and allowing a loud and rude forum hurts you in at least direct two ways.

4.  Posts with frequent insults become big as those insulted try to defend themselves; and other regulars post complaints.  in short, they drive up server demand, while at the same time... useful posts become "buried" in post after post of nonesence and insults.

5. everyone is both brilliant some chessplayers and utterly inept against others.   Insulting them; makes them feel less welcome.   they may lurk, but the don't contribute and they may find another place to play and learn.  that would hurt premium memberships.

I am asking staff and mods to directly address this problem and begin MODERATING posts that are blatant insults.


If I don't get a response, particularly from staff or a mod, then I'll have an answer.  irregardless, there is this..

it is clearly against forum policy to call people , idiots or moron bc they aren't 2000 is against the rules.

- anyways, this is the internet.  I always come to the forum with the expectation someone is being rude, and trollish. 

thats why I figure theres not much reason to contribute alot.