
Downloading pgn from Chess articles


Hello members,

Is there a way to download the .pgn files of various positions given in various chess articles(along with the annotation texts) ?

I use ChessX UI with stockfish 6 engine. 

shivamsrivastavaIND wrote:

Hello members,

Is there a way to download the .pgn files of various positions given in various chess articles(along with the annotation texts) ?

I use ChessX UI with stockfish 6 engine. 

Many articles (like this one from Batgirl) allow you to click on an icon on the bottom to access the PGN.  It is the second from the left, an arrow coming out of a rectangle.  It is next to the magnifying glass icon.

Undoubtedly there are some who haven't used that format.  It would help if you would give an example of what articles you are looking at.

Please give us examples.


Thanks notmtwain for the reply.

Let say i want to download the pgns of various postions given in the above article along with their respective annotations. How do i go about it ?


Just click on the arrow coming out of a rectangle.  It is next to the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left of the game diagram.

Then click Get PGN/FEN.