
-> Help Translate Text into Other Languages


How do you exit translate mode becuase i know russian, I started translating, but now i want to stop


chess_cake wrote:

There is no Burmese language. If so, I am willing to translate to Burmese language.

Using native languages of many nations will attract users more and more, and the app is certain to get more concentrations. Please support different languages as you can. 😄😄


To bad you dont have one for Afrikaans .


i can help with the spanish


This is a brilliant idea.  I'd love to see a en français mais je ne pense pas que je suis l'homme de le travaille pour traduire....  See, there's probably 5 mistakes in conjugation and grammer there in that one sentence.  But still, I'd switch to a french interface if one were available.

Merçi à VOUS que travailler à le français!  Très bien.


I can help with portuguese. At least brazilian portuguese. I don't know if the portuguese people would like seeing "você" on the site. They love their "tu".


Hello. I apologize if these issues should be discussed on my language's specific translation group or sub-forum. Unfortunately, I lost access to it. Need some troubleshooting and have a few questions.


Troubleshooting: I had access to the Portuguese translation interface during the last days (I never got to use it due to a few indefinitions which I'll address in a moment). Today, I changed the language in my account settings back to English, but now I can't switch back to Portuguese and I don't have access to the translation interface anymore... Is there a way to regain access to the Portuguese interface? (I tried to post this message on my language's translation group sub-forum, but there is some quirk that does not allow me to do so... probably because I'm not a "translator" anymore?)

An observation: The majority of what has already been translated to Portuguese looks like an awkward mix between Brazilian Portuguese and Google translator. There doesn't seem to be much organization underlying the process beyond a democratic voting system that only applicants have access to.


It's great that I can contribute with my own translations/transcreations if I choose to (if I regain access to my language's interface), but I can only contribute with European Portuguese. Given the dialect indefinition on part (I'm addressing this below), and the abundance of Brazilian dialect in the translations, I don't know if I should.


I'm also not sure whether this is an effectively paid position? If so, how and when are translators paid? What are the terms?


Indefinitions: I wish would clarify on whether it aims for Brazilian or European Portuguese. There seems to be some confusion or lack of insight in this department.


The ideal, in my opinion, would be to enable both Brazilian and European Portuguese translations as two distinct dialects on That's how Portuguese translation on any global website should be done because, although speakers of both dialects can reasonably understand each other, there are many aspects in the written form that aren't particularly easy to decipher for natives of the opposite dialect. A full Brazilian Portuguese translation will look awkward to a Portuguese and that a full European Portuguese translation will look awkward to a Brazilian.


This is particularly important to point out on because a significant portion of the text imbebed in the interface of the website seems to be gauging for an informal and friendly tone. This can dramatically exarcebate the contrast between European and Brazilian Portuguese if expects an accurate translation or transcreation: differences concerning not only "slang" vocabulary, but also sentence structure - it's a much deeper contrast than the contrast between the most common English dialects.


Aiming for a compromisse between both dialects is likely to provide poor reading results; there are too many differences. So should identify which, if only one Portuguese interface theme can be pursued: Brazilian or European? Otherwise, should enable distinct translation interfaces for each dialect. What is position here?


I wish would be clearer about the issues I raised here. My apologies if these indefinitions have already been addressed.


EDIT: Oh, nevermind about troubleshooting my issue with the translation interface. I managed to regain access to it.


Could one propose Esperanto?


I would like to translate app to Turkish Smile

P.s.: Native Turkish speaker


Could one propose Esperanto?

Kompreneble, sed kiel rapide?

Lobster62 wrote:

Could one propose Esperanto?

Kompreneble, sed kiel rapide?

Ne rapide, mi pensas.


Russian translation of this site takes some balls, really it's laughable

How could anyone came up with idea to translate Live Chess as "
Живые шахматы" first what does to mind is "do they talk, eat, sleep, goes to work and pee?"


Openings       >>>Show All Friends??<<<

I dont know, you may write something like "List everything" "Показать вcе" or "Show full list" "Показать весь список" but please get this out of my eyes!


I hope someone can translate Traditional Chinese, requested the experts to assist.


I can translate Korean and Japanese and and already submitted the google text for translation but there's no answer...-.- If you are concerned about payment i am very willing to consider. I'm korean and I am very fluent with Japanese too!!!


I translated it into traditional chinese.


I want you help you translate in croatian. Most of chess translate from english to croatian are horrible because the translators were not chess players and they do not understand chess termins. That is the reason why Kasparov's  book "How Life Imitates Chess" is practicli unreadable for any chess player. Good example is book "Bobby Fischer goes to war" because the GM Vlado kovačević work on translation.

So I want play chess on, but I don't want to read bad translation of chess termins. (e. g. king indian defence in Kasparov's book were translated as The defence of king's indians, like we are on wild west).

If you are interested for my help, please contact me by my message Inbox.


Hi there! I just submitted my application for translators. My native language is croatian, however I don't find it listed among languages available for translators. I used to translate a numerous chess-related text from various internet sources for the croatian '''' chess forum, so I guess one could say I have some experience with it.

I just heartily hope this is not just another case of ''If you don't speak one of the main world languages, sorry but we have to say 'farewell' to you!" 

My three related questions are therefore: 

- Are translation jobs still on offer here at ''''

- Is croatian language available for potential translators?

- When the results of my application will be announced (through my e-mail mailbox or my '''' personal mailbox)?

I'll appreciate any reply related to this post from the ones in charge,

thanks and best regards.


Bulgarian?  I used to translate in Bulgarian . Were is Bulgarian language . Some things has been translated in Bulgarian , but it is far from complete translation.


I can help with translation in Greek.

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