
Hey, I lost, So I'm going to flame another player to make myself feel better!


Seriously, calling someone a cheater is just childish unless you have SURE EVIDENCE. If it's just that you lost because of sometihng as small as a material advantage, then why go flame your opponent and call them a cheater? And plus if they WERE ACTUALLY CHEATING AND YOU HAVE PROOF, then go send a support e-mail. Don't post it on a public chess communuity.


You are NOT a cheater my friend. Your rating would be a lot higher. Ba-da chink. But, seriously, you're not a cheater. You're a cool dude.


No, I mean I see a TON of people rage quitting chess on the for one little loss. I won't use names, but I've seen a lot.


Yeah, I see that at blitz but rarely at 3 day. I just play people I can't beat and then I'm the only one throwing the fit.