
My FIDE is 2000+... and I'm relatively young... but I suck at bullet?!


I'm in my 20s, consider myself a reasonable player, but I am just so terrible at bullet. How do people move so freaking fast?!


it's just a different way to think more fast, choosing candidates moves faster and only stopping when there is a tactical complication. Also whitout any doubt you already haven't dedicated the time that you dedicate to blitz or other times...


Maybe that's a good sign for your long games ? Smile


bullet is almost like a separate game, if you practice bullet you will get better but this cuts into time spent practicing long chess.

Also my pet theory is that bullet is a good indicator of a chess players performance during stress, If you are like me then stress hinders the rapid thought process. For others performance under stress is close to normal.


A 2000 Bullet rating puts you in the 99.5% percentile so there aren't going to be many people replying who can say anything that is really worthwile for someone at that level!


Hilarious.  I believe this is the first titled player troll I've seen.  Well done!


ok I wasn't trying to troll...

99.5% sounds pretty impressive but there's like 10 billion people on this site


It's all about comparison... My other ratings are much higher. I used to be stronger at bullet in high school but meh i age faster? Ha!


Do you know how to premove? That could be your problem.


NM linlaoda wrote:


I'm in my 20s, consider myself a reasonable player, but I am just so terrible at bullet. How do people move so freaking fast?!   








Who care! You have achieve a master title that is more important than stupid blitz or bullet rating. Some weak players just move fast and they moving without any thought in their moves or they can move the mouse so fast they win on time. You have a real otb rating and a title and I respect this more than blitz or bullet rating. Be proud you achieve a master title, there are players in my chess club who played for years without achieving a master title, even experts have this problem; I been trying without much success to reach master, my highest rating was at 2110 usfc.


You have a bullet rating of 2000.

That's not so bad.

Think about a 1400 player rated only 700 in bullet. (that's me :D)


Time becomes more valuable of course. You have to make moves that make your opponent think, even if they're not entirely sound.  12 seconds is worth two pawns, in my book!


the best premove is "resign'


You shouldn't worry too much about bullet. It's half skills half luck in my opinion. I can't tell you how many times I've been 10+ points up and lost on time.


JGambit summed it up perfectly.


the essence of bullet chess is time management...if you cannot manage the time and complain about losing on time then DONT PLAY BULLET!


Maybe consider another pastime. Inloada have you tried tiddlywinks, theres a tourney circuit with ratings and titles similar to chess.

Mottley wrote:

the essence of bullet chess is time management...if you cannot manage the time and complain about losing on time then DONT PLAY BULLET!

In a way but it's also skill. a guy could be the fastest player out there, but be about 1200 otb level and I'd crush him almost every time at bullet, however i do agree that the "time whiners" are ridiculous. Bullet has a lot to do with speed. If you don't believe me watch Hikaru!


It starts off being almost all about speed, but the more bullet chess you play the more the time feels like it slows down and you see more to make better moves in the same amount of time.

When I watch the really good bullet chess players playing and commentating at the same time it seems as though they are able to make time slow down since they manage to not only make good moves, but even commentate on the thought process behind them as well.

The end of many bullet games is, of necessity, a time scramble though and then skills not normally required for chess come to the fore like being able to make moves that burn your opponent's time effectively rather than being the absolute best move - checks being the most obvious, especially those that involve an unexpected piece sacrifice.

Nobody can claim bullet chess is good for improving skills at playing good chess moves, but it does have more advantages than some would claim when you get used to it.  Not least the fact that you play a lot of games and therefore see a lot of positions or the same positions a lot of time so that you remember them quicker than you would playing far fewer longer games.