
have ever seen an endgame like this before


in one of my games i reached this postion (me as a lack):


so , this game result was draw , i put this on my engin but the engin was too deep to understand , any ideas how black can win here ?

or is there any wining for black here ?

i have tried a lot of lines ( and all of them leads me into a drown .

thanks in advance. :)


who's turn?


Black king is in check (Ra6+ vs Kg6), so it is black to move.

This looks drawish to me.

Black could possibly win with a better, more active, king position and further advanced pawns.

But the white king position is pretty good, and white has an active rook.


I think it ends up a knight/pawn game for black and a rook game for white. Absent some blunder, it's probably a draw.

jeasbed wrote:

I think it ends up a knight/pawn game for black and a rook game for white. Absent some blunder, it's probably a draw.

yeah this is possible but how ?