
why you should not play the Sicilian


Great post!  Classic chess humor.  Thanks!


Thank you. Hysterical!


how do you do illeagal moves on board editor? i cant do it!!!

FullmetalAlchemist wrote:

how do you do illeagal moves on board editor? i cant do it!!!

 there should be a box next to the words "enforce legal moves". Just have that box unchecked and you should be able to make illegal moves

Chessismaths wrote:
FullmetalAlchemist wrote:

how do you do illeagal moves on board editor? i cant do it!!!

 there should be a box next to the words "enforce legal moves". Just have that box unchecked and you should be able to make illegal moves

still wont let me do it


You have to type out the moves yourself, like this. 1.e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6
For making illegal moves, if there is more than 1 of the same type of piece you want to move illegally you have to state the file/rank of the piece so the board editor knows which one to move.

E.g. Raxd8

Nice post, very very funny :)

hahahahahhahahah wow I never knew chess moves could make me laugh out loud histerically to myself in my apartment


Great-Grandmasters Howard Sitail and Robert Mayt have come up with a brilliant defense to g3. Instead of painstakingly trying to control the center, Black simply plays for a draw in the Sitail-Mayt Counter-Gambit/Defense (usable only OTB):


Lol Guolin... how do you do that! I'm still trying to figure it out


First you play a game OTB. You usually have to find someone who likes playing the g3 attack. Now comes the tricky part: you have to take a video of the entire game. Next you need to convert the video format to QR code, than scan it using a mobile device. Finally you'll have to hack intot he servers in order to insert your QR code.




Is there a way to do it without hacking anything?


Amusing! Good to have something in the lighter vein! Thanks.


Who would have EVER thought a game of chess would make you laugh so hard? As a strictly Sicillian player i saw the title of this thread and thought "oh no! i better check this out!" I was so not expecting move 2.Raxd8+!!. Im just lucky i wasnt drinking milk when i saw this :) When i thought he couldnt top that.... *Black king turns on light*


that white king needs to take a nap otherwise the game of chess will become extinct


I thought the Sicilian defense was Luca Brasi holding a gun to your opponents head with you telling them that either their king or their brains would be checkmated on the chessboard at the end of the game.

Hahaha so funny! Love in the third diagram "king now has the opposition"

Lol! Here's a mate in one, 1. Kd8#


It's called the Poisoned King Opening. Apparently it is the lost art of chess.


Funniest post I've come across on this site.