
2 rooks vs queen


The problem is that I completely didnt know how to play my 2 rooks vs queen.

Some tips about the endgame would be appreciated.


In general with q vs. rooks, the more pawns on the board, the more difficult for the side with rooks. The aim for white would be to fork some of the queenside pawns, then push his majority. After 32 Qf3, I think Kg7 would be best. The f7 pawn is critical to your defense of the 7th rank and cannot fall. After 33. dxc5, you should try to hold everything with R8d7


The biggest factor in 2R vs Q endings is king safety.  If your king is nice and safe, then the plan for the rooks is easy: double up on weak pawns.  If your king is out in the open, it's a lot more difficult, since you then have to deal with constant checks and worry about queen forks picking off your stuff.  But the plan is the same, have the rooks double up on weak pawns.