
a little help please?


Just took a youtube lesson and the GM got to this point and said that white is obviously better here and white won the game. Well, I don't see how white is obviously better here and I would prob lose 50% of the games from this position. What am I missing here? What should white's plan be at this point? In the video white's plan before this point was to focus on black's d6 weakness. ps fyi it's a screenshot not a vid. If you keep trying to play the video you've been playing too much chess. Get out of the house, get some air.


The position is from a hedgehog type structure where black plays more passive. The idea of the position is take control of the open file and put pressure on d6, but I don't agree that the position is winning for white. The position looks equal to me, with white having a slight advantage.


Just realized I was thinking in terms of blitz, the GM was probably talking about standard time controls. In a 5 2 game anything can still happen here I don't see any tactical advantages just slight positional ones. Unless we're missing something big here. Thanks Lazy.


My 1st thought was that e5 looks real good, I'd probably play that. I'm letting stockfish have a look-see.....


Smirnov was it?

At the top level that space advantage is probably positionally won.


Yea Smirnov! He's done a few amazing videos so I'm not putting him down. Sometimes I feel like all GM's need is a slight positional advantage and they forget that us mortals need a few extra pawns to feel comfortable.

@lazy that looks even worse for white not sure what you mean. I don't think a GM would play Bb2 but what do i know.

Maybe Bh3 and f4? I'm prob way off here. Or push the B pawn and Rc1..

What did stockfish say?