
Against Caro-Kann

Was a quite intense game. I thought that I played quite well at the start- gaining some sort of initiative but my opponent seemed to be able to defend everything with just enough time/pieces. Then he eventually evened out the game and outplayed me. I'm not completely sure if I even had an advantage but it did seem like I had better pieces, so what could I have done better?

that was really great game

Liked it


a drawn ending and then 51 f3?? loses the game.

well played game


Thanks for your comments! But does anyone have any ideas on how the position was (who was better at start, middle, end) or any better plans/moves?

I really enjoyed the game, but it seemed like I was always behind by one move.


maybe I had seen a sacrifice for white

I'll look for the game but first how can I get any position of the game which I want  ?