
Availability of Computer Analysis


Is the Analysis available to anyone who views the game after it is requested by a player and completed by the system?




That's helpful.....since you have only had an account for two days!


I was under the impression it was for premium members but I could be wrong. I have diamond so I use the computer analysis sometimes. 


Can you direct me to one of your games that you have had the analysis created. At least then I will know that paying members can view it, regardless of who requested the analysis.


The breakdown of the membership options says that gold does not get computer analsis of games, platinum gets 25 per week, and diamond is unlimited. They are useful sometimes, but often times I am left wondering why a "blunder" was in fact a blunder or dont understand why the better move was the better move. The computer just says when you make a blunder and gives you a statistical number based on the position and says whos winning to what degree. 

I dont know that I can share them with you because they get sent to me in a message when the analysis is complete and It gives me a window that looks like this and I can scroll through the moves and it gives a breakdown of the game. The (-5.85) is saying that blacks winning by 5.85 points, then it says blunder, and gives the "correct" move. But sometimes the "correct" move isn't really understood. At least I have a hard time understanding why sometimes.. Then again other times its like, "Why didn't I see that obvious move???" haha. I hope this helps. 



You don't want the analysis. It's not very good at all.

Just get your own chess GUI and Engine and check analyze the games yourself.

I use Tarrasch GUI and Stockfish 5 for the Engine, they are both free to download.


The reason I have asked in the first place was because I have sent messages to my opponent, of the game I had an analysis done, to share the result with them. It was because the game was exciting, not to brag, I had lost on some of these occassions. 

I have also had a mixed reaction to the analysis as well, but anything that shows me moves that I hadn't thought of is helpful. I usually do an analysis with my own software on games I think I would learn something from.

I have decidedf to do an analysis on one of my recent games. I will give you a link once it is available and we can solve this once and for all.


When I look at this one, it has a green tick on game analysis.

Is this analysis avalable to anyone else. 

And this game was a rare "fluke" against this player. 


Days77, I think I understand your question now. I know its late, but I dont think its available to anyone. I can view your previous games and analyze them myself and/or get the pgn. However, I can not have a computer analysis of your game (from What I could do, is save the pgn and open it in a third party engine such as stockfish to analyze it, as blunt_force_trauma had mentioned. 


So where it says computer analysis - I see a green tick - it's a link for me to go to the analysis. If you see a green tick or if you click - computer analysis - if it takes you to the analysis the system did for me... then that answers my question. If you don't have access to it .... then only the member who requested it can get it.


I think the green check mark indicates that you have already had the analysis done. So if you want to view it again there isn't the wait time to have the computer analyze it since its already been done. Basically it saves it so you can go back at any time to view it I think. If you dont have the green check mark then I think it will have to go through its processing time before you can view it. Make sense? 

Green check = anaylsis complete
No green check = analysis not done or requested
"procesing..." = analysis in progress 


First image: NO computer analysis done for this game
Second image: COMPLETED computer analysis done for this game
Third image: Computer analysis PROCESSING

Is this the green tick/mark/check you were talking about?




That's the green tick mark. That confirms it. It's only available to the player who asked for it.....if you click on my link you will see that one gets a differnt panel other than    add a friend    give a tropy etc    and computer analysis etc etc whereas I did have a computer analysis done on that game and the link is there for me to access. Thanks for percevering with that .....hope this thread will be helpful to others...what I see in my browser, is not necessarily be what others will see in their browser on

Veileder wrote:

I've been a member here for five years, you ignorant moron. I just created a new account, after I disabled my previous one. And the answer I gave you is valid, so stick to that.



A mindless answer is useless - even though it can be right 50 percent of the time. An explanation with an answer is a way to uncover new knowledge.