
Chess Club Tournement


Here is a game I played against a guy rated  963 in my chess club tournement. Any comments are appreciated. Laughing

I hope you enjoyed the game.


7.Qxb4 would have been better, it's a free piece after all.

I'm not sure about 9.e5, it allows Nd5. I would simply castle long here.

10.Qg4 would be better instead of Bc4, it forces g6 and ensures long term dark square weaknesses.

Nice play from move 19, well done!


You probably had a winning combination with 16. e6. Notice that Black has no pieces defending his king side, he is extremely underdeveloped since he lost so many tempi with moves like ...Ng8, ...h6, and you have a bishop and queen that can be aligned quickly to strike at g7 (via Qd4 or Qe5), with no likely defense possible by Black. The position is just crying out of a combination! By move 18  Black had weakened his king side further with another pawn move over there (...g6) and by suicidally placing his king in line with your bishop (...Kg7?), and I believe by then you definitely had a fast win with 18. e6+, with threats like 19. exf7+, 19. Qd4 (threatening Qg7+) or upcoming Qxd8, Rxe6. Still, your ending was very good, more clear-cut than my suggestions, and it's very nice to see you saw the immediate checkmate instead of amateurishly capturing the free queen. As one tournament director once advised me: If you see a good move, stop, don't play it yet, and look for an even better one! It looks like you already learned that lesson on your own. Good job.

Your playing is quite good, other than a few oversights like not capturing the free bishop and moving the "e" pawn twice in the opening. You developed your pieces to their best locations, you castled early, you looked for better moves instead of playing impulsively, and you either knew the first few book moves of the Sicilian or else figured them out accurately. I predict your rating is going to be moving up fast.


Thanks for the comments and the analysis


I appreciate it
