
Fritz analysis


Someone here might know...

Older versions of Fritz use to allow analysis of multiple games. Does anyone know which version was the last to do this?


I have Fritz 12, and it does multiple games. And I'm sure this is not a feature that would be abandoned in newer versions.


Here is a screenshot in case you are having problems finding it:


To clarify, do you mean via batch mode? 

For example, you could ask it to analyze three different games, and step away from the computer and go have dinner or something, and when you return all three of your games will have been analyzed?

If so, I wasn't aware that any version of Fritz ever did this.  I recall having version 6 an 8 and I currently have version 12, 13, and 14, and I don't believe any of these versions were cabable of that.

Of course I could be wrong and if so I hope someone lets me know.

Fritz not being able to do this is just laziness on the part of the programmer, in my opinion.


Ah, our posts crossed.

Fritz 12 does?  Thanks.  I'll have to check this.  (Interesting, because I just skimmed over the Fritz 12 manual and I didn't see it.)


I just realized it may not be apparent; this is not the main Fritz window. It is the database browser window.


Good work.  It seems to be working.  Just highlight/select all of the games you want, rather than just one.  As I type this Fritz is analyzing the second of the two games I'm testing.

(After the analysis of this second game is complete I then just have to figure out where/what file this analysis was saved to!)

MrEdCollins wrote:

Ah, our posts crossed.

Fritz 12 does?  Thanks.  I'll have to check this.  (Interesting, because I just skimmed over the Fritz 12 manual and I didn't see it.)

It is this 'ribbon' thing Windows apps have now that I think can make it very difficult to find things.

Before, all the options in an app were in easy, simply named drop-downs. Now you've got this 'ribbon' taht can have options collapsed off of it and is cluttered with all kinds of icons that often times don't even have text descriptions.


I've never used the feature. but I would assume it is saved back to the original entry.


Yea, I found it.  It added these two games to my database.  Not what
I wanted, but this was just a test and I can delete them.

However, the analysis didn't give me the engine evaluation (score) after each move, like I thought it would.  I see question marks added after some of the moves, and the +- symbols, and a bunch of comments (Black threatens to win material), etc., but no engine scores.  When I set the analysis parameters I believe I checked everything.


I've always, always hated that darn Ribbon.


"However, the analysis didn't give me the engine evaluation (score) after each move, like I thought it would"

I've wondered about this feature. Do you know how to enable it? Even analyzing 1 game seems to give the same options as multiple games.


Testing something...


Nope, no matter what I try, I can't get the program to save the engine's evaluation score.  I SEE the evaluation score, and the engine's main line, when the engine output window is open and the engine is evaluating each position.  But the program doesn't appear to be saving any of this information.  If it can, I don't see how.

Darn, because that would have been nice. 

Oh well, I use another GUI to analyze my games in batch mode anyway, that DOES save the score.


Yeah. That seems like a very obvious oversight.

So, it appears if you do analyze multiple games, you only see the last one analyzed.

chess_sss wrote:

If you have any problem, just e-mail to . They have the solution to almost all of your problems.

erm, no they don't...

Bought Chessbase 12 3 months ago, full of problems, they haven't been able to fix any of them. Their latest update just causes MORE problems


I have Rybka 4, which i understand runs on Fritz 12 GUI...when viewing the games in a databse, there doesn't seem to be any way to analyse from there. Only way i have manage to analyse anything is from the analysis tab...

I definitely remember older versions, you could highlight the games of a database, right-click, analyse... it didn't matter how many were highlighted, it would analyse them all and store the analyses

chess_sss wrote:

If your problem persists, you can download "team viewer" and their staff can fix it. Here's the link:

Tried that too... i've asked them for my money back, despite their claims of a speed increase in accessing databases, i find that CB12 can take up to 15x LONGER than CB11 to access my reference database using the reference tab Yell


They don't answer my correspondence any longer... i am now considering a small claims legal action to reccover my losses.

I have an 8-core CPU, and i use CB11 for most things, CB12 is a pile of junk.

Interestingly, when searching through my reference database (using the reference tab in CB12), the progress bar in the bottom left-hand corner seems to indicate that it uses only 4 threads. So they have installed a physical restriction, CB11 uses anything you can throw at it...

If they have installed a physical restriction, how can they possibly make claims of speed increases?


Lately, more new things are getting worse than the old ones. Don't toss your older software, in fact it runs faster on the new faster processors. I wonder what rating would have ChessMaster 2000 on a modern PC?