
interesting position


This isn't the whole game, just the part I spent a huge deal of quality time with the analysis board during, lol. Just interested to know what you guys think of it =) I didn't put comments because I don't know if either of our moves are right and I guess I'm just looking for second opinions and stuff ^^


What should I think of it? Don`t understand...


I'm wondering if there was real compensation for sacrificing the rook for attack/development like that or if it just looked pretty lol


Perhaps it's good if you reaply to Bxa8 with ...c6, cutting the bishop off and intending ...Ba6 next. At a glance, I'm not sure how White deals with that.

As you played it... well, dunno. Hard to say. At first I wasn't convinced, but the more I look, the more I see problems for White after Nfg4, so who knows. Interesting, anyway :)