
One of my best game


This game come from first round of "Tournament HUT RI ke 66" against Susanti, The Leader of's Team Indonesia. Whom I consider Susanti along with Camat, Kamabarus & Djamiat as the strongest member of's Team Indonesia who play without chess engine.

The first game with black pieces are drawn, but at that game i need to Surviving a lost position when Susanti missed a winning move and I forced her into repetition.

One and a half after this game I still admire this game, and soon after i get my new but old fritz 12 I start to analyze this game and I found a lot of wrong continuation in a totally  win position. just like GM Kramnik said "The Most Difficult thing in chess is win the winning position"

The game start balance to both side until Susanti made a blunder at move 20, after that i press her hard with no drawing chance for her but as other amateur do it was hard for me to make decision for a winning move.. after series of doubt move 25. Bf3 26. Nxf6 then i made a blunder at 28. Rf4 which make me lost the advantage and give Susanti one more chance to draw. But just like me, it's hard for her to judge a drawing move at lost position and once again she made a doubtfull move. Then white is upper hand but Susanti didn't give up and still create few traps before finally resign at move 41



Good game and interesting. Smile


I am glad that I have win over Mr. Djamiat and Mr. Kamabarus without chess engine. In real at Mr.Manopo house, I just got draw with Mr.Camat and got several lost from him. I am very respect with Camat, he is strong player and have a lot of experience. I learned from him while he visited Bandung.

NB: To play good opening, sometime I play using game explorer for better playing



Tetap sj opening explore menggunakan engine, tp akan beda digunakan pasca game. Thx anggi n bung rsuhud atas apresiasinya :)


Saya menggunakan game explorer setelah saya menjadi Premium member tanggal 3 April 2012. Sebelumnya saya murni memainkan game dengan permainan sendiri tanpa bantuan apa-2 menggunakan naluri dan pengetahuan teori sedikit tetapi saya bisa mencapai rating tertinggi 2167 saat tahun 2009. Sekarang karena pemain lawan semakin berkembang dan tangguh maka saya menggunakan bantuan game explorer.

Saya juga sangat respek dengan Bapak BK yang telah mengajari saya dan rekan-rekan di MCI sehingga pengetahuan saya tentang catur berkembang pesat dibandingkan sebelumnya.

Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan.



cakep kaya diana nasution Smile


kok hilang yah,,,