
Should this have ended in a draw?


Here at move 30 I have the idea of winning on F8 after taking F7 but I'm still not sure that this shouldn't be a draw espeshally given that I couldn't stop him taking the pawn on C4. If he had moved his Queen to G4 on move 35 it would have forced a trade of queens, I could also have taken the pawn on C7 but I'm pretty sure he could get perpetual check after that. After the trade of queen white might be winning since the king can stop the passed C pawn from queening, but I'm not sure. Basically though my question is after move 30 couldn't black still have forced a draw with perfect play?

Of course! With perfect play black would've won you.


I am far too tired to actually figure it out.  But, it seems that the best practical chance is 31.q-f6+, k-g8 32.  R-e1 With the threat of checkmate


So, instead of 30 rxb3 it seems black should playq-d2 and the likely result (unless my mushy brain is deceiving me) is a draw