
1185 rated player wins a 1904 rated player in live chess

This isn't a deep or spectacular game by any means but I thought to post this to remind everyone that if you get carried away and don't play solidly, it is possible to lose to a much lower rated player. Has happened to me too.




Some remarks:

-the game was unrated, I assume my opponent wasn't 100% serious

-The time controls was 15|10. Both made their moves pretty quickly

-both missed some good moves (obviously). Immediately after making the 7th move I thought why on earth didn't i play fxe5. That's got to be winning material because of the underlying threat that my dark squared bishop imposed on black's corner.




time control??was what.oh well cool game


Well done! Did you watch the Igor Smirnov video by any chance?


Instead of <22...0-0-0>, black should try <22...h1=Q 23. Rxh1 Qg2+>, which should win easily.


What a strange play by the 1900.


"has happened to you" too? does that mean you lost to a 500 rated player before, teer?


I once beat someone rated about 2250 in blitz (unrated) after he lost a pawn and stalled!


dapifster: Yeah, i think i lost once to a player rated 300 something. And just this week i lost to a player rated 700 something.

Ayyo devuda: Thanks. I've watched some Smirnov's videos but i don't know what specific video you are referring to here. Please do tell.


Seeing a win with the Nimzo-Larsen always makes me happy ^_^

Want to know what a real life 1200 did against me at the club?  The amazing thing was this guy placed second in his section at a tournament months ago:


Thegreatoogieboogie: Heh, nice. My real life friend who is pretty darn good played recently in a match against another town's club players and won a game against a higher rated player with nimzo-larsen as well. I think it's an underrated opening. Fischer played with it sometimes with good success but I'm not aware of modern top players who like to use it much.


Hi Teeer, this is the set of videos that I was referring to:


Here is a recent unrated game where a player rated 670 wins me:

ayyo_devuda wrote:

Hi Teeer, this is the set of videos that I was referring to:

Aaa... of course. I think I've watched his b3 videos or some parts of them but I'm not quite sure. I'll certainly watch them all now, thanks!


I am only 1600 but in the rare cases where i played against a 1200 in live chess,  they played very decently and i wasn't sure to win at all. They made very few openings mistakes despite the fact that 1200 is considered as "beginner".

In online they are terrible, though.