
Bullet chess puzzle


WilsonYiuWahWong wrote:

Black can win the exchange of course but its not like White's rook is as good as the knight anyway and I'm confident the variation I gave is leading to a mate on the h-file. Note that rook on thyeah,e g-file is tied there, guarding a mate threat. A more appropriate place for puzzles in in the puzzles section, and even so, should show at least a good defense.


One, can play good games in bullet, but at the least requires the individual to be able to play regular Chess proficiently. Many of the games are littered with errors, but there are times when a beautiful game is produced and I have made my own collection a few days ago.

But I'll agree with you more times than not, bullet games aren't worth putting on Showcase.

yeah, srry i should have posted it on puzzles 



WilsonYiuWahWong wrote:

 I'm confident the variation I gave is leading to a mate 

I like how you confidently proclaim white is getting mated when black needs three consecutive moves before he can even deliver a check.


White Rook can stop mate...

kingvikaspro wrote:

White Rook can stop mate...

Aren't you a bit late? Like 13 years too late?


Nf3 so he can't premove and he flags if it's bullet