
how to deviate the opponent's pieces..


helloz friends...

u all might have been following the "Clash of the titans ->the two chess giants ... vishy anand and veselin topalov...".. In round 4 we have seen the perfect exhibition of distracting the opponent's pieces ... with sad knights on b4 and a6.... topalov couldn't do much better to save the game after amazing knight sac from vishy.....The distraction of pieces is having a great importance while framing strategies.. 

In my recent game played on live chess i too did the same ... although upto a minor extent.. but i succeeded and it paid off in the end.... i m displaying  the game below ... with a focus on move 16.Qxf1 Bxa4 ..



What about 35. Rh8# ?


Sorry, it is move 31. Rh8#


actually i missed as it was a blitz game... so i missed 31.Rh8+#...Laughing


17. .. Bd7 and white would just have lost a pawn.

22. .. Rc8 and the combination wouldn't have worked. But black made this mistake and you took opportunity of it: Bxe6+ is a nice move!


In that case I must congratulate you.Nice play, especially 21.Bxe6+.

I think your ELO is too low