
I didn't even play a move!


The funny thing about this game, besides ending in a smothered mate via discovered pin, is that I didn't even have to play a move.  qt challenged me, so I accepted and looked at his/her game history to see what he played first.  Turns out, it was 1. d4.  So I made about 3 conditional lines where he falls for the trap, and logged off.  Imagine my surprise when 5 minutes later, I log back in to see that I won the game!

I've included variations so that you can look at what might be better for White.  Notice how a2-a3 isn't really helping White, as Black has already decided to take the d2 knight anyway, or suffer a loss of time when the bishop has to retreat in order to be useful.


You made an 8-move conditional ? I'm impressed. qt must have been amazed to lose the entire game on conditional moves alone.


The lines are pretty forcing, for the most part. For example, he has to take the gambit pawn, then I attack it twice so he must defend.  Then it's a check, so he has to play Nd2.  After ...Qe7, he finally gets a choice.  I just happened to guess correctly with a2-a3.  From that point, I set up maybe three conditional branches that all end in the same way.


Very nice game :)  (for Black anyways!) :)


I should also point out that the Budapest Gambit is really strong against higher-rated players.  In the main line, it succeeds in trading off all the pieces very early.  There just isn't enough difference or enough pieces for White to win against careful, slow play.  Works like a charm for getting a draw.

However, if White just returns the pawn and gets development instead, it can be very dangerous for Black.  I have yet to run into anyone OTB that knows this opening, though.


Lol, the mother of Budapest traps, and all conditional. I'm gonna put a link to this in the Budapest group.

BTW, even groups in vote chess fall for this:


I won't be challenging ChessSoldier anytime soon until I study the game... unusally opening to what I am familiar with and nice game! 


Wow, a smothered mate with a discovered pin.

I'm just waiting till the day I see a crosscheckmate. Something like this:

 . . . although I suppose a true crosscheckmate should block a checkmate with a checkmate . . . which by definition is impossible.

The amazing thing is conditional moves, from the staring position, up to mate.

I think it's a one in a million shot...


I have won exactly like that before with Black. Not on conditional moves though. I actually made the moves myself...


what a hard puzzle that was, tonydal. My hands are now all tired after all the effort.


All conditional game LOL... but you're a diamond member or w/e. Doesn't that mean you get unlimited lines (i.e. as many conditional variants) as you want?



I can't imagine the reaction.

Royalfork123 has one of a video showing that trap. On the site it says this is called the Kieninger trap, but I'm not sure if it's actually called that.

Eebster wrote:

Wow, a smothered mate with a discovered pin.

I'm just waiting till the day I see a crosscheckmate.

Crosscheckmating is a penalty...