
10 best 'what NOT to do' tips in Chess

carvilla wrote:
scut_fargus wrote:

Do not throw your Queen at your opponent  !!

Pity we can't do this in!.... yet.

 but i guess you would end up ending the game because if they take one of your pieces and you are one movefrom checkmate  and so are they. i think then it wouldn't be a good move


try not to lose

carvilla wrote:
scut_fargus wrote:

Do not throw your Queen at your opponent  !!

Pity we can't do this in!.... yet.

It's been suggested:


try not to get mated

try not to blunder

try noy to accept a draw in a winning position


1. Don't neglect development of your pieces.

2. Don't bring the Queen out early.

3. Don't simplify or trade down the pieces when behind in material.

4. Don't rush your move.

5. Don't ignore your King's safety.

6. Don't move the same pieces repeatedly in the opening.

7. Don't underestimate your opponent.

8. Don't ignore your opponent's threats.

9. Don't play without a plan(use Kingside attack from move1).

10. Don't allow yourself to get into a cramped position.


Don't not think

Lord-Chaos wrote:

Don't not think

 take about 2-3 minutes to think about the postion of the game and then make your move


Guys: I really appreciate all of your contributions and the feedback recieved has been all but positive. However, the raison d'etre of this forum was: '10 best what NOT to do tips'.... a large proportion of comments made deal with what we should do. After all, it doesn't really matter but .....

And, thank you very much for your great sense of humour.... is not that thick and heavy after all.


Don't ever ever ever lose your patience. Golden tip.


Sometimes players have 2 candidate moves in mind. They analyze one of them to death, and realize that the move doesn't look too promising. So they make the other move INSTANTLY without the same kind of thorough analysis. Avoid doing this.

Diabeditor wrote:

Sometimes players have 2 candidate moves in mind. They analyze one of them to death, and realize that the move doesn't look too promising. So they make the other move INSTANTLY without the same kind of thorough analysis. Avoid doing this.

I do this soooooo often.  But it's laziness for sure.

Xardak wrote:

Don't make a move untill you have examined EVERY SINGLE MOVE OR CAPTURE.

That's why Xardak's comment si so, so right!

Maybe that's one of the reasons why he swept me

  1. Don't offer a draw after your first move
  2. Don't declare "Checkmate" after every move and then say -- "Oh, my mistake"
  3. Don't say "tick, tick, tick" while your opponent is thinking.
  4. Don't yell "Charge!" every time you advance a pawn two spaces
  5. Don't say "You call that a fork?  This is a fork!" in your worst Australian accent
  6. Don't say "King me!" when you promote a pawn
  7. Don'ttry to eat the pieces you capture
  8. Don't try to collect rent when your opponent puts a piece on a square you previously occupied
  9. Don't swipe your opponent's Queen when he's not looking

And, most importantly,

   10. Don't forget to wear pants


Dont abuse of the night better go to sleep instead to start another play...well if possible

TheGrobe wrote:
Don't offer a draw after your first move Don't declare "Checkmate" after every move and then say -- "Oh, my mistake" Don't say "tick, tick, tick" while your opponent is thinking. Don't yell "Charge!" every time you advance a pawn two spaces Don't say "You call that a fork?  This is a fork!" in your worst Australian accent Don't say "King me!" when you promote a pawn Don'ttry to eat the pieces you capture Don't try to collect rent when your opponent puts a piece on a square you previously occupied Don't swipe your opponent's Queen when he's not looking

And, most importantly,

   10. Don't forget to wear pants


Kupov wrote:
TheGrobe wrote:
Don't offer a draw after your first move Don't declare "Checkmate" after every move and then say -- "Oh, my mistake" Don't say "tick, tick, tick" while your opponent is thinking. Don't yell "Charge!" every time you advance a pawn two spaces Don't say "You call that a fork?  This is a fork!" in your worst Australian accent Don't say "King me!" when you promote a pawn Don'ttry to eat the pieces you capture Don't try to collect rent when your opponent puts a piece on a square you previously occupied Don't swipe your opponent's Queen when he's not looking

And, most importantly,

   10. Don't forget to wear pants

This wouldn't matter that much in, would it? LOL



1. a4 id NOT a good opening move

2. play an opening that you are comfortable with

3. study

4. tutoring never hurt anybody either

5. don't listen to music or tv, listeng cuts down on your brains concentration area

6. consider what your opponent is trying to do after each of his/her moves

7. it's a game, if you make mistakes, relax, now you know and won't let it happen again


1. Play the board not the rating

2. When you find a good move might find a better one.


that goes along with a saying i heard...

"if you see a good move, there are 10 better ones"


Don't play Anand & expect to win.