
62 moves with only my king and no stalemate


 (or 'complete moves' (I wish someone would make a clearer term for a single move by one player vs a 'single move' by both players), I requested a draw three times and was ignored until I told him I don't play with cheats and resigned the game - and blocked him.


Simply because you do not know the rules of chess does not make your opponent a cheater.

Any piece capture (which you did when you took his Bishop) or pawn move resets the 50 move clock. Frankly, watching the game was painful as you should have been mated a long, long time ago.And as other mentioned, when the 50 move comes up, you must claim it. If on move 119, you would have clicked draw instead of taking the Bishop, it would have been a draw.

I think you owe ypd1662 an unblock and an apology.


And you post this on his wall

fifty three moves against only my king and he refused a draw - chess cheat

by Serial_Regicide 6 days ago


Eric_Fleet is right, you should not have taken that bishop. ANY other move would have earned you a draw.

Also, besides having to claim 50-move-rule, you must also claim 3-fold-repetition.