
Anand - Carlsen Match - We Want New Commentators!


That Trent guy + Ramesh + Polgar are so disgusting! Delete them forever! Tania is ok coz she comes out with her own variations. What do you think fellas?

SandyJames wrote:

Tania is ok coz she comes out with her own variations. 

That's what she said.


Love the team of Trent and Tania


Haven't watched it yet, but Polgar/Trent have been excellent at previous events, fail to believe this.


Don't care for Trent or Ramesh but S. Polgar and Tania have been okay. All of them could stop rambling as soon as a new move has been made instead of "we've had a couple of moves..." once they pause to take a breath. Mostly wish we had a better angle on the actual game board. As much as the commentators run through variations I'd like to be able to see the current position more.


Try the coverage. They keep the current board up at all times.


Watch Jerry's (Chessnetwork) stream on twich


I watched the coverage of Game One (edit: actually it was Game Two) but didn't care for it at all. If I'm gonna wake up at 3:30 am to watch six hours of chess then I want to see the actual event.


Is Polgar the blond one with the rather grating voice?  If so she seems very knowledgeable but not a pleasure to listen to.  I like Trent and Tania though.  Trent and Short are a terrific comedy duo - I hope we see a bit of them together.

Lucidish_Lux wrote:

Try the coverage. They keep the current board up at all times.

The official video always shows the actual moves as well as an analysis board.  I don't understand what people are complaining about.  You always know what the actual moves in the game are whether you are watching or the official video.   I do wish both videos showed the moves leading to the position so I could plug those in to scid and follow with my engine.

If I am going to spend hours watching the game I very much appreciate the commentators giving some analysis of why certain moves are better and I hope they don't cut that short.   What do people want?  

I have used when the official site seemed to be crashing.   The official video also has a an engine analysis.   I think all the commentators have been great on and the official site.  

It seems both sites are having difficulties with the traffic as they both  have the feed going out.   


I find chessbomb is good for following the game.  They have houdini analysis, and also text analysis by grandmasters with the whole game always up  so you can wind back and forth through it at will.