
Anand vs. Carlsen Game 1 results.


Result was a draw after sitting more than an hour waiting for the live telecast and another hour watching the game.


Disappointed? Not me, if anything I might blame the match format.

You want them to risk a loss in game 1 of such a short match?
No you are right.. Let them play crazy wild stuff right from game one, who cares about winning the title, let the fans see violence! 


I am OK with Anand drawing, i think he had slight advantage in that position, but better to draw with black and win with white :D


I'm not dissapointed with Round 1 - Anand looks in fantastic form here and he is probably happy with this draw as Black. Time will tell how Anand does with his games playing as White once again for all the marbles.  I think Anand will hold his title against young Capablanca-like Carlsen.


Carlsen's game strategy is usually to get into a playable middlegame and win from there. 

Today, he didn't push for anything because he wanted a draw as white to get the first-game jitters out of the way. Remember Spassky-Fischer's game one?

peranto wrote:

Disappointed? Not me, if anything I might blame the match format.

You want them to risk a loss in game 1 of such a short match?

Match format is not to blame. Carlsen's strategy is to blame.

The matches have been 12 games for the last 6 championships (since 2000). Never has there been such a short draw.


I thought Carlsen was being jittery on the first game, so I guess he drew this. Because of the postition there were not a lot of good moves for either side so drawing looked like the way to go.


If you're disappointed every time a chess game you watch ends in a draw, then you need to stop watching chess now, or you're gonna go into depression very quickly.


Nice play by Anand actually - I just realized that the draw is forced.


How do you know what Carlsens strategy is based on? It might just be the main reason for him choosing whatever strategy he chose, is the Match Format.

Also, in  many past tournaments carlsen has also started slow with a draw or three, and only later started risking more and playing sharper stuff, of which he has been criticized quite often. Yet he still seems to achieve such nice results? 


Both sides could have played on, but Black was (slightly) better by move 13!


I don't think Carlsen could have avoided the repetition without being seriously worse.

macer75 wrote:

If you're disappointed every time a chess game you watch ends in a draw, then you need to stop watching chess now, or you're gonna go into depression very quickly.

Draws are cool, 16 move draws, not so much.


I've seen better games of noughts and crosses.


AxeKnight wrote:

Lmfao. Okay, this analysis is possibly the best post-game analysis I have seen.

I'm a beginner. I posted this. Are you being sarcastic? Is this bad analysis? I found it clear and easy to follow. Can you please elaborate. thank you. 


TheR-tist wrote:

"I thought Carlsen was being jittery on the first game, so I guess he drew this. Because of the postition there were not a lot of good moves for either side so drawing looked like the way to go".

Carlsen has a good strategy. Play badly in game one so that Anand relaxes and gets hit by a barrage of Carlsen punches in the next few games. Vishy will be vishing on a star soon.


I was hoping for a chess match.

Somebodysson wrote:
AxeKnight wrote:

Lmfao. Okay, this analysis is possibly the best post-game analysis I have seen.

I'm a beginner. I posted this. Are you being sarcastic? Is this bad analysis? I found it clear and easy to follow. Can you please elaborate. thank you. 

It was top quality analysis.  I don't know why he was lhisfao.

catskincatskin wrote:
Somebodysson wrote:
AxeKnight wrote:

Lmfao. Okay, this analysis is possibly the best post-game analysis I have seen.

I'm a beginner. I posted this. Are you being sarcastic? Is this bad analysis? I found it clear and easy to follow. Can you please elaborate. thank you. 

It was top quality analysis.  I don't know why he was lhisfao.

thank you. It was very easy to follow and instructive for me.