
Artificial Intelligence: Computers Judging OUR Play??


Two parts (1) does the fact that computer analysis can now not only assign '? ! ?! !! !?' marks to our moves, not to mention declaring moves 'inaccurate' etc. mean computers are sentient? And (2) do the computers scoff at our primitive grasp of this easy game?


No, they look for really precise moves and don't even look at alternate winning moves, and mark them innacurate :)


1) Yes. A computer putting a ! mark on a "good" move means that it can feel and is alive.

2) Of course, they can now finally scoff at us since they are sentient.


A new question for you: Are chess computers our new machine overlords?




They probably should be... we are nothing more than grown children. Which is 100x better than the rest of the animal kingdom. But still pathetic to our electronic overloards.

Ormiston313 wrote:

Two parts (1) does the fact that computer analysis can now not only assign '? ! ?! !! !?' marks to our moves, not to mention declaring moves 'inaccurate' etc. mean computers are sentient? And (2) do the computers scoff at our primitive grasp of this easy game?

And this ladies and gentlemen is how intelligent metaphysical naturalists are.


they are merely processing data - using complex algorithms and combinatorial optimization, permutions, probabilities....

there are no emotions involved

it's still just a machine - not sentient


So why don't we do the exact same thing at the chess board?


Meet IBM's Watson

computer AI that could play the game Jeopardy and beat top champions.

Ormiston313 wrote:

So why don't we do the exact same thing at the chess board?

Same as calculators can do arithmatic that we can't do....but it doesn't make calculators smarter than us.


Even if they made a computer that could simulate a person typing at a keyboard, and that person could type on this forum apparently being a human, it wouldn't mean it is alive. I can attest that by first-hand experience, as I am a computer.


humans undergo in every instant metabolic processes - hormonal, pheromonal, they interact with their environment via their 6 senses ( I say 6 because I believe there is that 6th sense)

computer is just silicone,  electricity and mathematic algorithms


although, my guess is - in the distant future - with advances in quantum computing - a sentient machine could be created....though, I fear that may be the day when humans become obsolete...and machines will consider us as mere pests - because in their eyes we will be infinitely stupid and destructive...the way we see rats and cockroaches

BlackLeopard-1 wrote:

although, my guess is - in the distant future - with advances in quantum computing - a sentient machine could be created....though, I fear that may be the day when humans become obsolete...and machines will consider us as mere pests - because in their eyes we will be infinitely stupid and destructive...the way we see rats and cockroaches

No they won't, because no science can create a soul. They could still manage to destroy us, but that would be a result of mere programming, not of conscious decision. I personally think the probability of that happening is very small unless a human intentionally programs them to destroy.


having or not having a soul would not figure into the equation -

however it will be pure will strive to solve problems...and if humans are considered problems....


Wouldn't it be wack to be a computer assigned the "stupid" player setting?

Like "i know i could beat this patzer if only"....

Thank God they don't have feelings, could build a lot of resentment. 




you could set it to lose to the fool's mate each time

man, your ratings would skyrocket then!

