
Can intelligent person suck at chess, forever?


   Nobody really sucks at chess. That's a myth.

                                            The End

Harvey_Wallbanger wrote:

   What I don't understand is that some people really, really suck at chess and they rationalize (that doesn't mean being rational) or they are into denial or they brag about it. This is all very confusing.

What?! "Rationalize" doesn't mean "being Rational?"  You know, that's one of the great benefits of playing chess online -- the exchange of ideas and information in the forums, where we get a chance to learn new things every day! (chortle, chortle) ...

(To "chortle" means to giggle or chuckle gleefully.  The word was coined by Lewis Carroll, in his poem "Jabberwocky" -- " 'Oh frabjous day!  Callou!  Callay!' he chortled in his joy."  cool, huh?)

P.S.  Any time you find something confusing, just ask me... (tee-hee)...


Like some one said before playing chess its a great way to exercise the brain, so is cross word puzzles, but chess is more enjoyable to me win or loss at any level your brain is working in high gear


   Rationalize is to distort the truth in an attempt to sound rational. Hardly anyone seems to know this. Why do I? I come from an era where it was considered one of the keys to success...having a superior vocabulary. That and "dressing for success".

   That era is gone with the wind.


I actually did learn something new today...I didn't know that "chortle" was coined by Lewis Carroll; thanks! Smile


Oh, dear, HW -- who are these people you keep running into who don't know what "rationalize" means?  Seems like almost everybody I know uses the word correctly -- unless English is their second language.  (Actually, the French, German, and Spanish translations are spelled similarly, so forget that last part.)


Rationaliseren -> Dutch has it as well :)

motherinlaw wrote:

Oh, dear, HW -- who are these people you keep running into who don't know what "rationalize" means?  Seems like almost everybody I know uses the word correctly -- unless English is their second language.  (Actually, the French, German, and Spanish translations are spelled similarly, so forget that last part.)

   No they don't. They think rationalize means being rational. 99% of people.

   Here's an example:


99%.  wow.


Can an intelligent person suck at chess foreva ?

more like ... Can an intelligent person suck at chess ? Woteva!

iluvzmetuna wrote:

Can an intelligent person suck at chess foreva ?

more like ... Can an intelligent person suck at chess ? Woteva!


motherinlaw wrote:

99%.  wow.

   Yep. They think they know all sorts of stuff that they don't...religion, politics, how to balance a check book...


  1. 1.
    attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate.
    "she couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage"
    synonyms: justifyexplain, explain away, account for, defendvindicateexcuse
    "he tried to rationalize his behavior"

Can intelligent person suck at chess, forever?



Oh my...

It's Y.O.U. Let me check. Show me your hands, clothes, shoes, now turn around. Yes, I'm really looking at nobody really! In what closet did you hide??? There's still a spider in your hair btw.


Hi, red.


nen goeden dag nobody. No, I did not miss you, in case you would ask ;)


Ik weet dat je me niet genist hebt. Frown


ach jij arme kabouter... Me no monster, come here you poor thing. You are the one with the moustache, between brackets.

now... where are the brackets? Here () It's good to see you!


   Word has it that "bubble heads" generally suck at chess, too. Tongue Out


Welcome back, NR!Smile