
carlsen using a supercomputer


Yeah, ok I am ripping off the guy who had a pic of Magnus done up to look like Terminator.  So sue me!


Magnus should play a supercomputer make up for kasparovs defeat

sekenre wrote:

 Anand as a vegan, possibly not nutritionally supplementing his cerebral activities due to age and diet; is naturally going to be at a disadvantage from the outset.

Anand has a brain so likely knows to include yeast or a B12 (+ folic acid) supplement to make up for the only deficiency vegans encounter.



USD 2.2 mil has been shared by the players. Anand gets his pension. Carleson gets his money and the championship. What about us, the spectators?

I didn't watch the hole games since game 6. But my prediction was right, end games. There was almost nothing Anand could have done about it. He had not much preparation on end game as much as Carleson.

Whatever the discussion here will not change the result.

Well, ppl come up with several reasons that Carleson put presure on Anand. I don't think that is quite true. I think Anand put pressure on himself by not studying as much end game.

Anand had the advantage on the first 3 games but just slipped away.

Well, sorry I have to say it, although ppl fed up with me saying it.

I have said abt Anand. And Now I say abt Carleson.

Carleson strategy is end game and sorry his 3 fold repetition. Oooops I see lots of angry faces here. Wow. Ok. I stop here before they become angrier.


As least the crap above is in such bad English nobody will be able to read it.


You are free to download Houdini: and use it as you want to improve your chess skills.

sftac escribió:
sekenre wrote:

 Anand as a vegan, possibly not nutritionally supplementing his cerebral activities due to age and diet; is naturally going to be at a disadvantage from the outset.

Anand has a brain so likely knows to include yeast or a B12 (+ folic acid) supplement to make up for the only deficiency vegans encounter.


anand is not vegan, he eats fish . 

NomadicKnight wrote:
Kalstormblud wrote:

The only thing anand would need to supplement is b12, hell, if carlsen isn't a vegan that puts HIM at a disadvantage...

How would not being a vegan be a disadvantage? At least he wouldn't be at risk of collapsing during the game or having gas that smells like rotten cabbage...

Since you neglect to quote fact i  too will, for the sake of saving some face since I can't find my article about vegans not smelling as bad! :P

To think about it nonscientfically, which smells worse:

Rotten mean: (Roadkill, something didnt get frozen properly)

Rotten Vegetables (Compost bins, maybe you let one fall behind the counter?)

Rotten Fruit (Under fruit trees in the fall, remember all those wasps nearby?)

Yeah, definetly the meat. And passing out? I've never heard someone claim that before, please, fill me in so i can prepare a proper rebuttal.