
Разная стоимость премиум аккаунта


подписка на андроид телефоне,планшете на ios  и компьютере стоит разных денег за год,обьясните пожалуйста почему так?и купив премиум с телефона андроид смогу ли я играть на премиум аккаунте со своего компьютера?


spassiba 1. ...e5 ????


ok 1.   ....... e6 ?????


okay                     1.........e8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

time player !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually he's asking why premium costs different amounts from his smartphone and from his computer, and if he gets it on one device does he have it on all of them. He's got premium now so I assume he's figured it out.


Ty for translation

i was sometimes joking on ole' orphan's ghost thread.

Once a guy on ghost thread blocked me, I was not insulting him, I never do, ican be borderline, but on the sunny side of the street.  he just wanted to sleep I suppose.

if @]¤~~#^\[| (our OP guest in cyrillic) wants me to stop,  I stop on first demand to ..... let us say, ..... troll ??

I got one who had no answers since years on  threads, he spoke to me a long time, we went friends.

It is a sport i like : archeologia on dusty threads, like discovering a gold mine in a ghost town; if the OP wants me to get out, I always do, of course

I call that Deleted on 1 OP Demand : D1OPD, it works.