
Does anyone else experience worse results in online than in OTB?


I'm talking about the quality of the game. I blunder random pawns or even pieces sometimes (TC: 5|0) here I never would in OTB (2|1 bullet).


   Yes. Most likely because of the pressure to do well for a rating, prize, etc. Also seeing your opponent makes you feel more pressure to play well (Don't know why, but it does).


I play semi better online then in OTB. In OTB i'm sharp on the tactics, but just make small miscalculations that i would never make in a correspondence game, get in trouble and fight hard for a draw. Though in blitz i'm probably better OTB.


Yes, I see clearly on an OTB board and I don't get distracted as easily. If it is an OTB tournament I focus even more.


Ironically I'm vice versa; I play worse OTB rather than online.


Almost always. I am 1350 in blitz here but I definitely make lesser mistakes OTB. So I'm probably a 1450 there. I think it has something to do with actually moving a piece to its square. That physical movement makes it somewhat harder to forget where I put a piece.

Kinnmark wrote:

I'm talking about the quality of the game. I blunder random pawns or even pieces sometimes (TC: 5|0) here I never would in OTB (2|1 bullet).

Most definitely!  For me, online chess is something to do, have fun, kill time.  OTB i take much much more serious.


I play way better online than OTB.I have a FIDE rating of 1770 but a 2000 blitz rating here and a 2100 Blitz rating on another site.But,I never play slow games online.


Bullet here is terrible for me. Ok, I can say my equipment is bad, so I don't know really, but close to it. OTB looks good. Maybe because there's psychology too and you can 'relatively' easily get lost games back (fast time controls). 


I also play worse OTB than online.


It depends, I got in online chess most of the time too many games going on to really invest a lot of time in each game. For Blitz I really like the 10 minute games. Basically 5 minutes to play through opening and starting middlegame and when material is traded somewhat 5 minutes left to play for endgame. It's ideal, 5 min blitz is always hurrying the endgame where a lot of opportunities are missed because of time trouble.

OTB I'm way more nervous but also a lot more focused. I have beaten 1500+ and 1800+ players in my chess club but also lost to 1000 rated players. If I can keep my nerves under control I play pretty decent. But seeing your opponent in an OTB game always changes the psychology for me. Older players always intimidate me and younger players somehow seems easier(not necessarily true off course) to play.


lol I'm like 1300 - 1500 online and about 2000 otb....I'm not sure why there is so much of a difference for me. Its always been that way

For anyone looking to get better I actually just finished a blog on the topic of improvement.

worldlearner0411 skrev:

lol I'm like 1300 - 1500 online and about 2000 otb....I'm not sure why there is so much of a difference for me. Its always been that way

For anyone looking to get better I actually just finished a blog on the topic of improvement.

I guess otb you can beat players in the opening. online with game explorer nobody makes a blunder within the first 10 moves.


I play so much better OTB than online. I guess it is too hard for me to concentrate online, especially because I play online for fun or for practice. A loss online will not bug me, but a loss OTB can drive me insane!

bangalore2 skrev:

I play so much better OTB than online. I guess it is too hard for me to concentrate online, especially because I play online for fun or for practice. A loss online will not bug me, but a loss OTB can drive me insane!

play team match it is almost the same as losing otb.

I don't care if I lose my own game but a team match is something completely different.

JustAnAverageJoe wrote:

Ironically I'm vice versa; I play worse OTB rather than online.

I think this is true for me too. I play better when I'm in a relaxed environment.


Having a higher or lower rating online versus OTB doesn't nessecarily mean you play worse in one or the other. The ratings may not be correlative.


It's called cheaters. I destroy people OTB 1700-2000 and then online, suddenly, everybody is 2000+ no problems finding the strongest moves and mates in 11. I hate playing online.


I am 250 rating points stronger OTB than on-line, regardless of the time limit.  I think I Have hung whole pieces about 3 times in my (longer than I am prepared to say) chess career.  I Have hung more pieces and made more terrible moves today alone than in all my OTB games.

I think there are  several problems in on-line chess:

Perceptual.  I grew up with real pieces on a real board. I simply do not grasp the position as quickly  from a diagram on-line

Mousing.  a)  I can make a move and press the clock in a tiny fraction of a second OTB. On-line it seems that no matter how quickly I move that mouse I use up at lerast two seconds on the clock

Mousing. b) It is very easy to accidentally make an unintended move, which can be disastrous. (e.g. Intending Qa5 but releasing too soon and playing Qb6 ... where it is attacked by a pawn on c4)

Lack of an opponent. As someone else said, you try harder when you have a live opponent sitting opposite you.

Weird openings.  A lot of  on-line players play weak but unusual and trappy openings.  If I don't know any theory then at anything slower than 15 minutes I don't have time to see all the traps and work out a scheme to take advantage and often end up losing.

Losing dead or completely won positions on-time.  In fast games I have had many opponents play nonsense moves in lost or dead drawn positions.  As the moves are often completely stupid (giving up material with checks)  , hence unexpected, t takes a bit of extra time to realize what has happened and respond.  Some will say this is fair and part of the game.  But it is not as if I have taken hugely more time in order to play stronger chess. Often I'll be ahead on the clock, but as a result of the weirdness of the opponent's moves I sometimes run out of time while my opponent still has a second or two.  Legal, but not reallt chess.  Well, if someone wants the grading points that badly they are welcome to them.   

DIfficulty taking it seriously.  This is the worst.  OTB I am disciplined, always look for what my opponent is threatenign, or what chances my intended move might give him, and I generally play pretty sound positional chess.  On-line I am careless and slapdash.  I simply cannot motivate myself to apply myself properly in the way that I can in a club championship game,  OTB tournament game, or interclub match.


I find it funny how some of the responses say that "they agree" with the OP, not realizing that the OP is saying the complete opposite thing which they are saying. The OP is saying that he does better OTB than in online whereas the responses are saying the opposite while agreeing with him