
FIDE Ratings


Hey everyone :)

I'm new to, and a real greenhorn in competitive chess, but thanks to chess mentor, playing with my friends and some great connections I've really started to improve my game. As such, I've become extremely interested in getting myself a FIDE rating (or if there are other organisations I should get rated with first [you have no idea just how new to this whole *professional* chess thing I am] then that); however I have absolutely no idea how to go about getting rated. The extent of my knowledge is that to get my rating I have to play 20 official rated games...doesn't really help me much. Would someone mind please explaining all the steps I'd have to take to get myself a rating?

Much appreciated and thanks in advance


I don't know how it works in Australia. I'm sure Melbourne has at least 1 chess club though. Get down there and someone will tell you how.


Sign in a tournament. Perhaps join a local chess club?

nuclearturkey wrote:

I don't know how it works in Australia. I'm sure Melbourne has at least 1 chess club though. Get down there and someone will tell you how.

Will the club be labelled as a FIDE official venue? How do I tell? There are plenty of clubs around Victoria, but they all just seem to be local clubs where communities gather to play.


I don't know. I think Australia isn't part of FIDE...