
Fischer vs. Kasparov


i hate him

ilikeflags wrote:

i love that little fella'

bigpoison wrote:
ilikeflags wrote:

i love that little fella', and can't wait to give him my werther's originals.

bigpoison wrote:
checkmateibeatu wrote:
oinquarki, my name is checkmateibeatu.

Really?  That's your name?

Well that explains a lot.  My folks named me Nathan.

Never really knew how lucky I was until now.

 Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Laughed so hard.


this thread warms my cold, cold heart.


OK, Fisch vs Kasp at...chess boxing!!!  Your thoughts?

Sure, Fischer was the bigger guy, but Kasparov got an awful lot of experience with this kind of thing in Russian government.


Make it Drunk Chess Boxing and obviously Kasparov is the winner.


Contrary to popular belief, Fischer and Kasparov did meet over the board on a number of occasions. Bobby's rude and abrasive public persona was just part of an act. In reality, he was a congenial and rather pleasant person, and he and Kasparov were actually good friends. When asked about his comment "Kasparov is the lowest dog on the face of the earth!" Bobby said the remark was made "just to create a buzz....". Here's one of the few surviving games, believed to have been played in the early 80's, when Bobby visited Garry at his beach house in Varna, on the Black Sea:


I think Bobby would use the Parham attack, you f---ing liar.

Here_Is_Plenty wrote:
bigpoison wrote:
checkmateibeatu wrote:
oinquarki, my name is checkmateibeatu.

Really?  That's your name?

Well that explains a lot.  My folks named me Nathan.

Never really knew how lucky I was until now.

 Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Laughed so hard.

His name is french, you f---ing ethnists.

theoreticalboy wrote:

Wow!  What amazing, fresh insights!  I never thought we'd have fresh perspective on such a dried-up old turd of a question, but, well, wow!

So true!

I loved this part:

Cry_Wolf wrote:

I believe that the reason why Fischer is undervalued as a chess player


Yes really undervalued theres so many names we put infront of him lol does the TS know the meaning of undervalued? 

TS. Undervalued compared to who to Kasparov? To Karpov? To spassky? To Korchnoi? To Timman? Keres? 

He was great at is prime but so was Morphy, Capablanca, Alenkhine and so many others great player but horrible Human being. Not undervalued at all, if something I would say overvalued! Is victories where really strange beating Spassky like he did really? Spassky blundering simple positions. I bet there was a lot of money in the mix...


Spassky was a world champion not a class C turd, you f---ing ingrate.

dannyhume, relax.

Ibeteau, my moral compass (I still use three dashes for my main adjectives, so you see that I try), I have finally figured out why I enjoy your presence on these forums...You remind me of my favorite member who was banished from this land so long ago:  Eo_______ .  You don't quite have the blithe wisdom or laser-guided-razor-sharp-biting insight of Eo_______, but you are probably younger and I know if you persist, you will grow to become the best Eo_______ that I know you can be (don't let the haters get to you). 

From now on, I will no longer call you ibeteau. 

I hereby decree you (in the name of dannyhume)...l'il Eo______ ***

***(copyright 2011 dannyhume; other similar variants of this name may be substituted for you from time to time upon the discretion of the copyright-bearer; all rights reserved).

melvinbluestone wrote:
dannyhume wrote:

I think Bobby would use the Parham attack, you f---ing liar.

 Sheesh! What a grouch! ........ The game in post #99 is actually from a Fischer simultaneous in San Francisco, 1964. His opponent was R. Burger..... and Bobby lost!

Then I am correct, and the original poster still stands as a f---ing liar, you f---ing naysayer.  

I am sorry man, that was just the hurt talking.  My girlfriend left me, job is too much, and I have no dog to kick.  I can kick my cat, but he will stalk me and viciously attack me back when I am least prepared (he once bit me in the jugular when I was sleeping, another time he sank his canines through the fleshy pad of my thumb to the bone and I had to take antibiotics for a can take the cat out of the streets but you can't take the etc. and so forth).  These posts are my feet and you are all my cat.  We only hurt the ones we love (unless we really really love them, then we wouldn't hurt them, but that's like totally different).


To me Fisher gets the edge,  he was at an insanely higher level at age 13, which is evident with some of the grandmasters he beat.....his resources and background were nothing like Kasparov's either....self taught also????? me there really is no comparison....he was at such a high level, if not the highest, that without the randomness of the pieces, he simply got bored of the game..., there were times he had no real competition...R.I.P Bobby !!!!!

Pokerkidd wrote:

Fisher gets the edge,  he was at an insanely higher level at age 13

Are you certain about that? The game he won against Donald Byrne was nice, but this is how the tournament table looks:

Kasparov was younger than that when he won the Soviet Under 18 Championship. There were many very strong 17-18 year olds in the Soviet Union but Kasparov won while still only 12. The following year he won again, scoring 8.5/9. I don't think Fischer was "at an insanely higher level at age 13", both were very talented.


Honestly when I 1st starting playing chess around 20+ yrs ago I thought Fischer was the greatest ever.  I really liked his simple but precise style when reviewing his games.  Of course this changed.  If anyone has spent any time going over Kasparov games its really difficult to understand how anyone could not conclude Kasparov is the greatest.  Fischer had a chance to be the best if only he kept playing while WC.  However  we now understand he had serious mental instabilities which prevented him from his full potential.  Kasparov and even Karpov played brilliantly after winning the WC with everyone gunning for them for years.  Almost every type of measurement, even computer analysis of games, puts Kasparov above the rest.

what a gem this thread is