
Gaioz Nigalidze vs Borislav Ivanov


Who would betweenn among them if they were to fight a world championship match ( no defending champion, let's pretend its the first WC match ever :P )

First to 10 Wins gets the crown so draws do not count

Who would you pick?


Well, I remember reading somewhere that Ivanov played his moves after a set number of seconds, like 10 or something, whereas Gaioz Nigalidze was letting his phone run analysis in the toilet while he was at the board. So Gaioz would get more detailed analysis.

However, Nigalidze didn't go to the toilet after every single move, so there's a risk of him spoiling his position with his non-computer moves, whereas Ivanov wouldn't have this difficulty.

Therefore, because of the greater consistency with which Ivanov played machine moves I would argue that Ivanov would win, and probably quite convincingly. 


Simon Parker in The New Yorker has a surprising view on engine cheaters:

"they bring a certain Viking chutzpah back to the game. Among the top twenty players in the world, more than half of all matches end in a draw. But, with computer-assisted chess supremacy always within (surreptitious) reach, there is hope for the wearied spectator"