
Get Tittle without leaving study? can i?


Dear all,
I am female, 19yrs old, a student in an reputable university. when i was kid, i already get my Junior NM tittle with 2000's national rating, but i never improve as chess player because i need to attend my school. i ever dream for being pro chess player. but my parents' not! because they don't want me to be sportsman. they say it's not enough to earn living. they don't let me go even some trainer already spotted my talent

But now i have, i have a dream to be at least IM or even more as GM. not for pro but just for my pride. maybe u have some advice to me, what should i do to get my goal?
p.s. i can not leave my study because it's hard to live in indonesia without a bachelor degree


Either be a chess player or a scholar...... Remember what Capablanca said.

Moreover, your mind can only take one load at a time, not two. Cheers and keep playing chess :-D


Just keep at it your 19 so your still young enogough to not be missing out on to much.


This is the same problem with me. But you can focus at chess after/ or your vacant time.


With all respects to other people, I think hitting IM may be attainable but going after GM seems somewhat of a pipe dream especially if you can't dedicate the time to chess because of other responsibilities.  If you want to hit GM or IM you have to know alot of things, I would start by learning as many endgames as possible rooks, pawns, knight vs bishop, bishops of opposite color, rook vs bishop and so forth, once you learn how to win alot of those than you should problably get down your openings you want to play and know them cold.  While you are dong all of this obvious you want to be studying tactics.  I'm sure alot of the stronger players on this site can help you even more than I can.

dahal32 wrote:

Either be a chess player or a scholar...... Remember what Capablanca said.

Moreover, your mind can only take one load at a time, not two. Cheers and keep playing chess :-D

yes, only one... Cry

hushpuckena wrote:

At your age, all I wanted was to play chess and I had no interest in studies whatsoever. It's different with you, though, and my recommendation would be to focus on your education. Much better off to stay disciplined and give yourself the best chance to succeed in life, for it's tough to get anywhere without education.

Above all, enjoy what you do and best of luck in your choice!

yes, maybe education first....

2200ismygoal wrote:

With all respects to other people, I think hitting IM may be attainable but going after GM seems somewhat of a pipe dream especially if you can't dedicate the time to chess because of other responsibilities.  If you want to hit GM or IM you have to know alot of things, I would start by learning as many endgames as possible rooks, pawns, knight vs bishop, bishops of opposite color, rook vs bishop and so forth, once you learn how to win alot of those than you should problably get down your openings you want to play and know them cold.  While you are dong all of this obvious you want to be studying tactics.  I'm sure alot of the stronger players on this site can help you even more than I can.

i already read that possibility, but never practice that at tournament


kawin sama master, nanti juga bisa dipanggil ibu master Laughing

airhami wrote:

kawin sama master, nanti juga bisa dipanggil ibu master 

Nasihat sesat ... haha Laughing

Prioritaskan pendidikan dulu. Kalo ada waktu senggang, baru ke catur. Yang pasti, catur tidak membutuhkan waktu full-time seperti sekolah. Waktu senggang pasti ada dan saya rasa harusnya lebih dari cukup utk mengejar cita-cita Anggita dlm mendapatkan IM dan GM.

Lagipula, utk mendapatkan title IM atau GM, dibutuhkan waktu dan modal, terlebih apabila Anggita ingin aktif di kancah internasional. Utk itu pekerjaan dan ekonomi harus mapan dulu, agar ada waktu luang dan dana lebih. Saya tidak tahu apa PERCASI biasanya membiayai seluruh pengeluaran atlit kita di ajang kompetisi internasional. Sepengetahuan saya atlit-atlit catur kita harus merogoh dari kocek sendiri.

Alternatif lain, kawin sama master yang KAYA. Laughing


nasihat sesat semuaaa x_x


Devote ur vacation to chess, I already hit the NM status in my country's chess federation....


yes, i try to do that

dahal32 wrote:

Devote ur vacation to chess, I already hit the NM status in my country's chess federation....

without leaving study? oh great


Main terus aja sambil lanjutin kuliah.

Dalam catur tidak usah terburu-buru sis.

Catur bukan seperti olahraga lain yg ada batas usianya.

Semakin tua dan berpengalaman semakin baik pula permainannya.


Saya ngerti maksud orang tua kamu.

Selalu siapkan Plan B. Kalau km selesaiin kuliah mu dan ternyata km tidak berhasil mendapat penghidupan dari hasil main catur setidaknya kn km pya modal utk bekerja dari ijazah mu :)


There are plenty of players who have reached amazing heights in chess while pursuing other paths and careers! Eg. Botvinnik, Nunn, Tarrasch and many others  - maybe for most people studies are more important but if you can manage both then good luck! :)

EDIT: Just realised this is a 2years old thread - hope the plan is going well!