
How Could you End This Game?


The "coffin"...
White's protection of his King is quite impressive, but what were happen if that's all he did? 
That was a sad game for white, yet he could have done something differently... How would you end this game so that white could win (fairly)? I want to hear from you!



Blunders of every kind of Earth.

But the one that puzzles me the most : why didn't White take that bishop on move 27 ???


i'd have a shot at 23.Bh3 Rdg8 24.f3


it seems that last moves`ve been played in time pressure. for example: 21. ... Bc3? 22.b.c! R.c 23.Bb2

or before that: 22. ... 0-o-0? 23.Bh3 Rdg8 24.f3! takes one rook.

and we know that Bh3 is also playable for some of next moves.

and before these: black had chances when : 19.Nd1 0-o-0! followed by Rdh8 or Rdg8.

i think white was wrong by playing 12.h3? .he should have attacked to centre by  12.e4 to free his black bishop or 12.c4 to make queenside undesirable for black to castle. 


did he even play the opening correct?  even with white squared bishop he had white square weakness. i know its probably a totally correct opening but for a patzer it looks totally incorrect.


What was the time control? o.0



Thanks for all the comments, but how would you end the game? SmileAlso, this was not a timed game; for the records, this was not even a real game. I just slaped it together... thus all the blunders.  I used all the knowledge that I had... and hoped for the best!


Irontiger~ I didn't see that move. Thanks for pointing that out!


Sonofthemorninglight~ That's an interesting way to getting to the end  game!


shukh~ nice set of moves, I was not playing under the pressure of a clock. I made this game up, and I wanted to know what one should do about white’s protection of his king...


Tetsuoshima: Even if it was a bad opening, I still think that black had the advantage in developing more.


C-nack~ I was not playing under the pressure of time, I simply slapped this game together and was wondering how could black loose/ white win. 


 Thanks for the comments!







misunderstood you, yes i ment white played bad


yes it really is an endgame after 23.Bh3