
How many moves ahead do you calculate


i tend to think 0 moves ahead - it works!


it is especially effective if playing a 10 second game


For me it is usually 3 or 4, but if there is a part in the game where I am taking a big risk, I calculate around 6 moves ahead.


My oponent's best .


It depends on the postion, how much time is on the clock, and what kind of day i am having.


I’m lucky if I can follow all the permutations 1 or 2 moves ahead!

Is this why my game is so poor?

I need a bigger brain, has anyone a spare?

God I feel inadequate!


you can make your brain bigger by excercising it ! Tongue out


We should clarify that a "move" in chess is actually both white and blacks move.  White moves first is actually half a move.  Until black makes his move is it actually considered a whole move.  

Earlier a few have said they can calculate some 20 moves or more!  

Their rating doesn't seem to correlate that!


My name suggests all.  Just think one move at a time!  Because unless you can FORCE your opponent to make his move (in which case you can think ahead); your thinking too much ahead; does not make ANY sense!  Because you have to rethink all your moves; depending upon your opponents move!


i dont trust anyone rated under 2000 that they can regularly calculate more than 15 or so full moves and i dont trust ANYONE who claims to calculate 35 moves ahead...i dont think id even believe kasparov if he said he calculated 35 moves ahead


Chessnutx> Earlier a few have said they can calculate some 20 moves or more! 

Here's exactly what I claimed:

"I often visualize 10-20 moves ahead before entering a pawn endgame. There are many technique like counting, key squares, stepping stones, etc. that simplify the process so it's not as difficult as it sounds."

"I calculated 21-ply deep in a pawn ending the other day and won by one tempo."

Chessnutx> Their rating doesn't seem to correlate that!

It's odd to me, that at your correspondence rating of 1341, you presume to know what players of ratings 2000+ should or should not be capable of. What I (2070) say above is true for me. As Loomis (2180) added, pawns endings are a special case.


A sample position:

Within 60 seconds, I can visualize what will happen 17 moves (34-ply) from now. I believe most Class B USCF players would be able to solve this ending within 2 minutes.

Two years ago, that someone could see the end from this position mystified me. Tongue out


usually two moves; sometimes three or four if it's a crucial situation.


i suck but is kd5 correct?


I think is Kd4 ?


Kd5 is correct, after KxP c5, then a pawn race occurs with W queening first then B queening on a1. W has check on c4 forces Qs off then runs over to kingside to capture the pawn on h5 then Qs the h pawn and wins!


Kd4? allows B to queen with check


thanks for the position, a bit of endgame training.


Kf5 or Kf4 is bit faster, I think. Edit: Whoops! That's wrong.


Chess is 99% tactics and 1% strategy.