
Improving at Tactics


Everyone stresses the importance of tactics. I'm currently using the tactics trainer on this site. What else would be good for improving at tactics? Shortly, I am going to go through Chess Tactics for Students by Bain.

What after that? Someone told me that two of the Susan Polgar books are excellent for tactics. Sound like a good plan, or do you recommend something else or in addition?


Bruce Lee said that you should "unlearn what you have learned."

I think Yoda said the same thing to Luke. 

After doing what you do, you could "unlearn what you have learned"

like all your bad chess habits


He also said, "Be like water. You expand, I contract. You contract, I expand." It's symbolized by my avatar.


Observe the geometrical relationships between the pieces and the board.  The queen on d1 for example has access to the e5 square via a4 and h5, which suggests its forking potential in some situations.  Is a bishop bisecting through other pieces where the obstructing piece if removed wins material? 


Alrightly then. I guess I'll go with the two books by Susan Polgar to improve my tactics. We can discuss the other stuff in martial arts and geometry forums.

A World Champion's Guide to Chess - Susan Polgar

Chess Tactics for Champions - Susan Polgar


you could also ask the pieces what they are thinking?


They told me they are wondering why a guy like you quotes Bruce Lee in response to questions regarding chess tactics, has a rating of 1863 at live blitz, says in your profile that you are just learning chess, just put up a photo of an a hot girl as your avatar a few minutes ago, and has one single friend.


what are your opponent's pieces thinking?


If I knew that then I would never lose a game (in the mental hospital anyway).


Actually, geometry has a lot to do with chess. Thegreatoogieboogie wasn't joking around and if you take his advice more seriously it will help your chess game.

windmill64 wrote:

Actually, geometry has a lot to do with chess. Thegreatoogieboogie wasn't joking around and if you take his advice more seriously it will help your chess game.


What advice what that, which you think I am ignoring? Everyone knows a Queen forks more often than a Knight. The next thing he wrote was a question.

That being said, he does give great advice all the time.