
Is it possible for my rating to ever be over 1000


I have fallen pretty low and I was just wondering If I could possibly get it back to 1000 or even 1200 again? I know I would need to win but I think between where I am and 1000 that is a huge skill jump.




What rating?


You mean for Online Chess? Your blitz rating is over 1100. And Yes you definitely can reach past 1000, 1200, and even 1500 and beyond. All it takes is study and practice! Practicing tactics being a major element to improvement.


The rating I mean is the online one. I got lucky with blitz kind of.


Yeah, play higher rated opponents and take your time. Here,  I'm sure you'd spot 19. Bxb3 if you weren't rushing.

I'd also say try not to move the pawns around your king unless there is a really good reason.


Online is meant to be *slow*. Take your time, and make sure you don't blunder any pieces. You can play me if you want. Wink


I feel pretty bad for missing that.


rating doesn't mean anything - nobody is a rating. don't worry about rating. worry about making good moves and avoid blunders. study tactics.

Rating will come slowly but surely when you deserve it.


Is there another place to pratice tatics I only get 3 a day on the tatics trainer. I know it is sad but I am proud that I got all 3 right today.


Since it's 1146 now, I would imagine so.


I mean my  online rating for the corespondance chess not blitz or anything.


play fo enjoyment - not for points.

brisket wrote:

I mean my  online rating for the correspondence chess not blitz or anything.

I don't see why not since online is usually higher than blitz.


another tip study the past 10 games you have played and try to guess the move you played and see if you agree with the move you played in the game or if you have new ideas. (hide the move list somehow) 
if it is a blunder try to figure out why you were thinking about making a blunder.really go deep in studying your games. try to figure out what variation you thought was going to work. 

Try to understand why you made the move you made. did you overlook a threat that your opponent had?
it may hurt to look at your errors - I know from own experience but I learned a lot by finding some of my own errors.
And I guess you would rather be sorry about the past mistake you made than be sorry about making the same errors in the future.

brisket wrote:

Is there another place to pratice tatics I only get 3 a day on the tatics trainer. I know it is sad but I am proud that I got all 3 right today. Its free and you can also make a free account to keep track of your level (rating) for the tactic puzzles. Also has end game practice too.

bobbyDK wrote:

another tip study the past 10 games you have played and try to guess the move you played and see if you agree with the move you played in the game or if you have new ideas. (hide the move list somehow) 
if it is a blunder try to figure out why you were thinking about making a blunder.really go deep in studying your games. try to figure out what variation you thought was going to work. 

Try to understand why you made the move you made. did you overlook a threat that your opponent had?
it may hurt to look at your errors - I know from own experience but I learned a lot by finding some of my own errors.
And I guess you would rather be sorry about the past mistake you made than be sorry about making the same errors in the future.

Good advice, I like to go over my losses too. It surprises me to see some players post wins asking for feedback on how they can improve instead of their losses on I don't focus on my wins, I focus on my losses. Maybe when I win almost all the games I play like Kasparov I might use my wins to look for errors that I can improve on but I lose plenty of games to keep me busy right now!


When playing online use the analysis feature to 'try' your moves before you make 'em. Good luck.