
Is there a resource that teaches tactics with cetain pieces?


For instance, it would nice if there was a book that talked about how to play games and position your pawns/rooks when you win the bishop pair, and possibly when to forfiet the bishop pair advantage, or when not to, etc.

For instance, I recently learned how to force checkmate with two bishops, and a knight + bishop (pawnless end games). From simply learning this checkmates, I learned how to use two bishops together in general, or how to create a "zone of denial" with a bishop and knight placed diagonally next to eachother, also very useful in the endgame.

So what I'm asking is there a book or website that teaches how to develop your position to match which minor pieces you have.


For instance, I learned more from this video, than I've learned from fifty one-hour commentaries combined (on tournament games).


Yes, there are several books that have chapters on sacrifices based on specific pieces. One such book is Anthology of Chess Combinations which was published by Chess Informant. My copy was printed in 1998.

Another excellent collection is Encyclopedia Shakmatnykh Kombinatsii (Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations),  a Russian book of combinations. My copy was printed in 2004. That isn't really broken into sacrifices by pieces, but by themes which includes Queen Sacrifices.

But it's more useful to look for books that devote sections or chapters to attacks on key squares instead. 

Another resource that you can use for attacks based on what piece was used is chessbase.


Oh, and most endgame books are divided into which pieces are used.

SmyslovFan wrote:

Yes, there are several books that have chapters on sacrifices based on specific pieces. One such book is Anthology of Chess Combinations which was published by Chess Informant. My copy was printed in 1998.

Another excellent collection is Encyclopedia Shakmatnykh Kombinatsii (Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations),  a Russian book of combinations. My copy was printed in 2004. That isn't really broken into sacrifices by pieces, but by themes which includes Queen Sacrifices.

But it's more useful to look for books that devote sections or chapters to attacks on key squares instead. 

Another resource that you can use for attacks based on what piece was used is chessbase.

they're just different issues of the same book series, no? i think there is a new one just out too.


No, one is published by Informant, the other by Astrel'. One is published in Belgrad, the other in Moscow. The chief editor for one is Matanovic, the editor in chief of the other is Kalinichenko. They are organized differently and have different puzzles.

Other than that, yeah. They're identical. Sealed


oh, my mistake. informant put out a book called encyclopedia of chess middlegames - combinations, and then put out subsequent editions of the book under the name anthology of chess combinations. that is where my confusion stemmed from.