
lousy lousy


      To mbpuk; Will Rogers use to say, "I never met a man, I didn't like". In all your journeys, did 1 person like you??   Then consider yourself a success sir. Do not fear death. It is inevitable, but its NEVER what anyone expects. It is a rebirth. You'll see your loved ones, and as The Ghostess Lola would be proud of me saying; maybe we can play a game when my time comes to pass.

Ruby-Fischer wrote:

There are so many trolls on here, I find it hard to tell who is genuine any more...

I was trying not to be a troll but I got riled up. Too much coffee, I guess.

Kansha wrote:
thunder5000 wrote:

i was in the middle of a chess game and i was winning. then i got message 'connection disconnected'. though i was able to access other websites and there was no problem with the connection. when i tried to refresh the page just got the message 'site is not available.' then tried opening in another browser. finally the site opened but i couldn't get back to my game. it showed that i had lost the game and my rating dropped by about a 100 points. totally lousy website and poor poor application. and a technical support manager who is a completely rubbish guy. i know that this thread will be deleted as per their policy of 'cover your ***'. shameless people!

Hey! I'm really sorry you had such a bad experience on If possible, I'd like to help resolve this issue so that you can go ahead and play games in as much peace as possible.

Is there any chance I could get you to try the suggestions found at this link?


That link offers nothing useful. Stop lying to people. No I don't have multiple tabs open and I don't use IE. In that link you are blaming just about everything right from sending email in the background to using a USB wi-fi key for your software not functioning well. I'm surprised that you stopped short of blaming the weather, government, air pollution or global warming for your site's software problems. How about starting out by acknowledging that you have problems in your software?  I am not blaming you personally as I realize you are only a staff and following your bosses' orders. Dishonesty is not the way out. And do tell your higher ups that deleting every thread which complains about software problems is not their way out. Cover up only increases suspicions.

To all those people who have posted ridiculous comments on this thread which support their incompetence:
Yes, I know you are jobless, lazy, have lots of time to kill and spend your whole day posting nonsense on these threads. No doubt you are jobless because of your incompetence. And being so incompetent yourself, you are more than willing to support incompetence on this website and poorly functioning software. So I would suggest that you create a separate thread called 'Incompetents' and post your comments there. Stop intruding on threads where people are trying to highlight genuine concerns.


....hhhmmm quite a long post thunder500 .... got time on your hands?

thunder5000 blathered:

. . . blah . . . blah . . . blah . . .

So sad . . . all that extra time available to you now that you've stopped playing chess and you haven't spent any of it improving your personality.


HAHAHAHA, that's rich. You think you can SUE because of a browser disconnect? HAHAHAHAHA. Go ahead and try, see how far you get!


This guy makes my foot itch.