
New openings to learn.


If tactical opening is boring, try positional opening.


really i think means my opinion  defenseu opening are bad because in the opening only defense 


i dont play Sicilian


what was your comment and why you deleted it??????????


I find the Sicilian Najdorf hard to learn


X_PLAYER_J_X wrote:

If Profmain started with 1.c4 the line is known as the English Opening.

However, if Profmain ended up with 3 pawns in the center on c4, d4, e4 than the line tranposed from English Opening into a Queen Pawn Opening.

There is a very sneaky move order in that line.

Which I really do hate lol!

In the above position some white players would follow up with 2.d4

Which would tranpose from a English Opening into a Queen pawn Opening.

However, I have seen a sneaky move order which has been used against me.

It happens after 2.Nc3

Believe it or not I am Gruenfeld player!

which means if white plays the move 3.d4 the line is turned into a normal Queen Pawn Opening.

I would respond with 3...d5 which is the Gruenfeld!

However, I have had some English Opening basters play a sick 3rd move against me lol.

Yeah they play 3.e4

Sick basters!

The fact that you guys hate it is why we basters play it!