
Online game tips


playing online games is a lot different than playing a regular game due to 3 main reasons. 1 you usually have 3 days to move which gives you plenty of time to think about the position. 2 you have a analysis board which makes it a lot easier to caculation variations and evaluate the position and 3 you have the ability to look up your openings' because in online games it is not considered cheating to look up your opening in a database if you don't remember it that well. There are advantages and disadvantages in online chess. The advantage is that online chess is a great way to learn openings, if you whant to learn a new opening or just improve the ones you already know online chess is a great way to go. The disadvantage is that you have a analysis board which is great but it does not help you improve your visualization. Alright down to the point if you want to get good at online chess you should take these tips into consideration. 1 when playing online chess it is a good idea to take your TIME! you usually have 3 days per move and you have an analysis board so my first tip to you is to take your time. 2 my second tip for you is to study you opponent, when the game starts you usually you have 3 days per move so I would recommend to not make a move immediately, instead click on your opponent look at his games see what type of openings he plays and prepare against it. 3 my 3d and final tip for you is after you've finished your online game analyze It wether it's a win loss or draw analyze the game! This will help you improve your overall game. My recommendation is to first analysis the game by yourself and after you've analyzed it by yourself then you can analyze it with a computer.


Good advice - thanks!

