
Paul Morphy Screenplay


For those interested in such things:

On my Morphy website  I host two short stories about Morphy: 
"The Best American Chess Player" by Dan Heisman  and
"The Day Kasparov Played Morphy" by Mark Kislingbury.

I've added an enjoyable and well-researched screenplay written by Jonathan Goldner called "An American Genius."


The game of chess has had so many great players, both past and present, but has had only three very great genes: MORPHY --- TAL --- FISCHER 

The game of Morphy was absolutely outstanding and scintillating and when I study his matches I feel unique emotions...! 

Hello and good life! :-) 



Thanks Angeloclimber.  However, the purpose of this thread wasn't ever to  single out Morphy for any due or undue praise, but to give people an opportunity to read the above screenplay based on his life.

While on the subject of historical writings concerning Morphy, this may be a good place to bring folks' attention to the absorbing story of "Morphy vs Löwenthal" by Rob Tierney (dashkee94).
This story is offered in 8 short parts:


Thank you dear "Batgirl" for the good reads that I've recommended on Paul Morphy.

He was a great genius. was a great champion. was a single man, unfortunately...

Srinivasa Ramanujan in mathematics... Marina Tsvetaeva in poetry... Tesla in physics... Paul Morphy in chess...: all great geniuses, but with a life tragically unlucky. First of appreciate the mathematical formulas or poems or inventions or the brilliant moves of chess we will absolutely appreciate and want really good at mathematician, at poetess, at physical, at chessplayer......

And we would have saved their lives would surely have taken a different direction much longer and much brighter.

Have a nice day and thanks again!



Forgive my scarce English! Forgive me ...!


Capa in his youth was very much of Morhpy, was'nt he?


You're right Alex! Capablanca was another outstanding genius of chess! He was so superior that in the end was not the stimuli to keep playing and to continue to train seriously! The game of chess by now were too simple for its genius! 

Hence I correct my personal list of great geniuses of this wonderful game: Morphy - Capablanca - Tal - Fischer. 

Personally Morphy and Tal are absolutely the players that excite me most: an incredible "sacrifice" of Morphy or a fantastic and extremely complicated attack "pedestrian" of Tal, really make me try great emotions! :-) 

Good life Alex and thank you for your precision! 


Вы правы Алекс! Капабланка был другой выдающийся гений шахмат! Он был настолько выше, что конец не был стимулы продолжать играть и продолжать тренироваться серьезно! Игра в шахматы в настоящее время были слишком прост для его гения! 

Так что я исправить мою личную список великих гениев этой замечательной игре: Морфи - Капабланка - Таль - Фишер. 

Лично Морфи и Таль являются абсолютно игроки, которые волнуют меня больше всего: невероятное "жертва" из Морфи или фантастический и сложная атака "пешеход" Таль, действительно заставляет меня чувствовать эмоции! :-) 

Хорошая жизнь Алекс и спасибо за ваш вопрос! 




Thanks to Batgirl for her intresting contributions! 

Всего доброго Ангел!