
Pills/supplements and other techniques for chess


Here I am sharing some of my experiences with making chess better and more fun. I have tried various 'cognitive enhancers' to improve my play and have managed to increase my tactical vision, positional judgement, piece placement, general understanding of the BOARD as well as increase pleasure derived from playing by using the following pills




Modafinil ws the first one I tried. It increases calculation power by about 50% or more.

Citicoline helps in persistence and focus.

Piracetam helps with vision. It encourages cross-hemisphericl communication across the corpus callosum brining the right brain the creative emotional side to exchange messages with the logical left brain better. I find myself rotating objects like chess pieces between my fingers often when I use piraceam and thinking of a move. This is a habit of many chess greats including Magnus Carlsen.

These are the pills that have helped me increase my chess power.

Does anyone else have any idea and how did they improve their chess.


The worst habit while playing chess is to think linearly. If I play this then he will play that then I will play this and he will play that.

The pills have helped me to an extent to over come that. Playing is no fun either when you think linearly.

With the pills I search around the board and things come up to me for attention and I see 'there is a weakness' if I had a piece there, there would be a problem for him. I must somehow get my piece there. Or sometimes the thought process is. I must apply more pressure on this square because then after a defense is made, I have one killer move but he may still defend. Wait a minute why not sacrifice the piece immediately and then recover it immediately by this tactic winning a pawn. I have played between yesterday and today some really fun games because I have thought about pieces and squares not moves.