
Regarding a lesson

(didn't see a solved button to click)
My question is: in the the task at hand is says dark has an "extra queen" I only see one black queen. Secondly what is it actually asking me to do? I think it's white's move because I play white and It's me making a move, but I am unclear at to what the lesson is asking me. I understand that Dark has a potential pin or check depending on what light does with e5.
Is there any hope? for what? light or dark? 

The lesson wants White to come up with a really good move.


yes I understand that as well. I haven't gone forward at this point for I don't want to get a wrong answer just because I can't understand the question. So again, what is the lesson asking me to do? 

so out of the 18 total moves that light can do I am to just pick one? just guess? I thought lessons gave knowledge, then applied knowledge. It seems that it is trying to show me something by me making an error and then it telling me why it was a bad move. 

EDIT: and what about dark's 'extra queen'?


There's an idea that it wants you to use that will win the game for White in one move. The hint is in the title of the problem, "The Power of Discovery".

I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing if you make the wrong move, it will explain what the right move is, and why it's the right move?


Well, it should have said that Black has a queen, but White doesn't.


oh I understand the extra queen now. So if I understand you correctly the lesson is telling me that

[quote]"Dark has a queen and light doesn't. White's only challenge is the discovery check when white moves the e5 piece. However, black can counter with Bxb2 if white hasn't played Nc4. Now how can white accomplish check mate in one move?"[/quote]

thank you again for clearifying. It made sense when "find a mate in one move" was part of the question. Before that I was focused on the 2 bishops on the left side and how they related to the Knight on e5. By the way the text was written I never once thought it was asking me anything like win the game or mate in 1. It made me focus on bishops really.

But thanks again friend


Well, White is way behind in material, so just trading bishops does him no good. So he needs to find a move that will either gain lots of material, or achieve checkmate.


The key is to realize how one can move the e5 knight and deliver check without the bishop on b2 being captured.