
Resigning as soon as you've lost your queen



If it is late in the game and your opponent [corrected spelling Smile] has a clear material advantage, then I could understand it, but resigning when you've lost your queen at the start when you could still win is what I don't get.

Is it just that people feel that they can only win when they have a Queen?


I suppose it depends on your peer group....


If you lose a Queen for nothing, effectively it becomes "late in the game and your oponant [sic] has a clear material advantage".

Ziggy_Zugzwang wrote:

I suppose it depends on your peer group....

Around the 900-1000 rating.


Cool    If you manage to loose your Queen at 'the start', you'd probably have two hopes 'to win' the game - Bob Hope and No Hope !


King doesn't have his eye candy to look at while he's hiding in the back rank whackin' off, so he says "f**k this battle" and resigns

zembrianator wrote:

King doesn't have his eye candy to look at while he's hiding in the back rank whackin' off, so he says "f**k this battle" and resigns

You've been reading too many Cyrus Lakdawala annotations...


Prepare for newengland7's tirade....


I have won games down a queen -I don't resign.


Here's a time I resigned after losing my queen. I had black piecesYell.


Surely that utterly nonsensical game will prove your point...Undecided


Many people depend too heavily on the queen. I remember losing my queen in a few games and still winning the game.

wirebolt wrote:

Many people depend too heavily on the queen. I remember losing my queen in a few games and still winning the game.

Exactly. Just because you've lost your queen, doesn't mean the game is over.

Reading the other comments, I get that losing your queen changes the game a lot and With_every_step's post about a game being about atchieving mate or the focus being on one piece is interesting. But to resign instantly without considering the position for a few seconds?

I've had games where I have moved at the same time as my opponent has resigned and then wondered why before seeing that I had missed the fact that they left their queen hanging. But because they relied on their queen so much, they resigned rather than possibly going on and winning because I missed their hanging queen.


My own style, lose QUEEENS and hope for the best!


You can keep playing if you want, but usually it is going to be hopeless if you lose the queen for no real compensation (blunder).

In this game my opponent lost his queen for a knight early on and kept playing up until move 28. Then he let his clock run down. He had 10 min on the clock....

So play on if you want but please resign if you are just a jerk who has no intention to make moves


This is a game that I have just played. Well, I don't think it comes anywhere near "playing chess" to be honest but even though I left my Queen hanging with a big "Come get me" sign above it, I won on time. I could have resigned (and probably should have because of the way I played), but I got rating points rather than losing them.

By the way, I'm not proud about winning on time because I played like I don't know how to play Chess.

Ziggy_Zugzwang wrote:
zembrianator wrote:

King doesn't have his eye candy to look at while he's hiding in the back rank whackin' off, so he says "f**k this battle" and resigns

You've been reading too many Cyrus Lakdawala annotations...

Lol! Is it really getting this bad? I haven't read one of his books in a while.


@sleavaruk, a tip for you: Make sure none of your pieces are under attack. If they are, move them!

You used the Wayward queen--newengland7 will strike soon, that's my prediction.

newengland7 wrote:

Here's a time I resigned after losing my queen. I had black pieces.


you should have done bxf2#

Robert0905 wrote:
Ziggy_Zugzwang wrote:
zembrianator wrote:

King doesn't have his eye candy to look at while he's hiding in the back rank whackin' off, so he says "f**k this battle" and resigns

You've been reading too many Cyrus Lakdawala annotations...

Lol! Is it really getting this bad? I haven't read one of his books in a while.

I like him as a chess author, but as soon as he starts on a journey into metaphor/simile country I miss out the next paragraph !