


What do you think is the best way to study?  For a 1700 player


Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual (unless your weakest link is the endgame, then Nunn's Understanding Chess Endings is a good preliminary read, maybe Minev's Rook Ending book too), Averbakh's Chess Tactics for Advanced Players, Shereshevsky's Endgame Strategy, a good game collection like Larsen's Best Games, Karpov's Best Games, or Korchnoi's Best Games (all self-authored), Understanding Pawn Play in Chess, and Questions of Modern Chess Theory.  Don't forget CT-ART. 



kstorn wrote:

What do you think is the best way to study?  For a 1700 player

The best way to study is to economize your time and resources. Study your losses and then reference the books on the specific way you lost. You should never lose twice the same way and in this way, you learn what not to do as well as how to attack that very same weakness you yourself had.

I won't recommend any book(s). If you have an extensive (10+) library of chess books, I can only recommend you use what you have as a reference.