
Tactical Rating vs. Actual Rating


I have only been doing TT on for Less than a month now (fairly new member) and my tacticle rating is at 851 and steadily climbing.

However, my tactical rating on is 1135 and climbing.

Are either of these an indicator of how strong of a player should be in a real game?



This is a closely guarded secret (probably <1% of players here actually know), but none of these ratings are designed to be compared across websites, organisations, time control, or discipline. Much less tactics ratings, which is just one part of chess understanding.


In that case, as long as I have a steady increase, that's good.


I wish it was the same, would be a pretty strong GM (:


Plus, even comparing ratings inside this site, my tactical rating is hugely overestimated (around 2300) compared to either my real ratings or even my real real rating (the FIDE one).


The TT here gives higher points for the guys that are able to play fast.The chesstempo tactics are more complex but do not have time to analyse.

There is a relationship between tactics rating and game rating.Usually the positional players will have a tactical rating 200 points below their real rating and the tactical players 200-400 higher than their playing rating.

The OTB rating (FIDE or USF) is around 100 points below the LIVE standard rating that the player has.

The online rating seems to vary more.It happens because some players dedicate 1 hour per move (I know a lot that do this) and some players "blitz play" in online games.Usually, if you have, in a casual game, half the time your opponent has, you will be playing 200 points below your rating in that time category...