
What no coverage?


We have a candidates match going on and chess tv is offline ... what am I missing?

ChessMarkstheSpot so far has only covered the two tie-breaker days and I don't know of any coverage coming up of the next 4 game and nothing has been mentioned yet in the Official Group. Once it says so there, then I will relay it here. I am sure at least one day will be covered, but I can't guarantee it nor will I know what day it will be unless it's posted in the Group or one of the Hosts/STAFF messages me about it.



Far less important matches in St Louis are getting some of the best coverage ever. What gives? Why does chess continue to shoot itself in the foot?


  Any LIVE coverage of this event can be found at this link, but the commentary is in Russian, but it's been by far some of the best chess broadcasting I have seen in recent memory.  Cool  



   Danny and David are also traveling for separate reasons, and I don't know what the last two broadcasters of the tie-breakers, GM Melik Khachiyan and Jason Stoneking are doing so they might be busy as well. They can't broadcast every round and whenever they do have a broadcast, it's much appreciated by this community, no matter how long the wait is in between shows.  Smile



Whats the point Mark. Agree the video is good when its up and running but what % of the US public speak Russian? Would not an English pay for view generate at least a break even situation for They tech is in place they just need a few warm bodies on the weekends.

BTW ... I live just outside Red Bank NJ just north of Lincroft.


   Kevin, I agree and in the past has instituted a couple of pay-per-view events over the last several months, but not for a while. Personally, I would love to see coverage everyday of this, and although I enjoy listening to the Russian commentators (even though I can't speak or understand it, despite being an American born of Russian heritage), it's never as good as English. I know through their programs has English/German commentary every so often and wrap-up shows as well. But it's not the same.

   Let's hope at least we get one round, if not the tie-breakers (if it gets that far.) Whenever they announce it in the group or message me, I'll let everyone know in the public Community forum category.  Cool

   And I'm up north near Paramus, Emerson and Hillsdale  Cool



Internet Chess Club's has some solid coverage.